Software for efficient complaint management

Op­ti­mi­ze your com­plaint ma­nage­ment with seam­less di­gi­tal work­flows and au­to­ma­ted pro­cess con­trol to en­su­re the qua­li­ty of your pro­ducts and services.

Real-time over­view of all com­plaint processes 

Con­side­ra­ti­on of in­ter­nal and le­gal requirements 

Au­to­ma­ted for­war­ding and es­cala­ti­on management 

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Software for effective complaint management

Con­trol your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment pro­ces­ses, espe­ci­al­ly com­plaints, with our ad­van­ced di­gi­tal work­flows. Our in­te­gra­ted so­lu­ti­ons com­ple­te­ly trans­form your exis­ting pa­per-ba­sed pro­cess into a di­gi­tal for­mat, from re­cor­ding to closing.

The work­flow sys­tem en­su­res that the di­gi­tal com­plaint form is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly for­ward­ed to the next in­s­tance. If dead­lines are ex­cee­ded, the re­min­der and es­cala­ti­on ma­nage­ment sys­tem en­su­res that no dead­lines are missed. In ad­di­ti­on, a sub­sti­tu­ti­on rule for task rou­ting is in­te­gra­ted to en­su­re con­ti­nuous processing.

What benefits does the Complaint software offer you?

Consideration of specifications 

Ch­an­ges to pro­ducts, pro­ces­ses or sys­tems are made in ac­cordance with the ap­pli­ca­ble re­gu­la­to­ry and in­ter­nal gui­de­lines. Com­pli­ance with the­se re­qui­re­ments is cru­cial for en­su­ring qua­li­ty and safety. 


All aut­ho­ri­zed em­ployees have ac­cess to the cur­rent sta­tus of all com­plaints pro­ces­ses, re­gard­less of their in­vol­vement in the pro­cess. This trans­pa­ren­cy pro­mo­tes a com­pre­hen­si­ve un­der­stan­ding of the processes. 

Linking to other processes 

From com­plaints, cor­re­spon­ding De­via­ti­on Con­trols (DCs), Cor­rec­ti­ve And Pre­ven­ti­ve Ac­tions (CA­PAs) and Ch­an­ge Con­trols (CCs) can also be generated. 

Individual configuration 

Let the mo­du­les be con­fi­gu­red ac­cor­ding to your wis­hes and pre­fe­ren­ces to fa­ci­li­ta­te the on­boar­ding trai­ning for your colleagues. 

Central information platform 

Use d.velop do­cu­ments (form­er­ly d.3ecm) as your cen­tral in­for­ma­ti­on plat­form to ac­cess all data at any time and at short no­ti­ce. This so­lu­ti­on pro­mo­tes ef­fec­ti­ve data ma­nage­ment and use. 

Reduction of process costs 

By op­ti­mi­zing ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve pro­ces­ses and shor­tening th­rough­put times, pro­cess cos­ts are si­gni­fi­cant­ly re­du­ced while the qua­li­ty of the re­sults is in­creased at the same time. 

Process safety 

The in­te­gra­ted work­flow sys­tem en­su­res that the com­plaint is for­ward­ed to the sub­ject mat­ter ex­pert af­ter each step. The es­cala­ti­on sys­tem ta­kes ef­fect in case of missed deadlines. 

Increased data security 

Pro­tect your sen­si­ti­ve data from un­aut­ho­ri­zed ac­cess and po­ten­ti­al th­re­ats from harmful in­fluen­ces. Our se­cu­ri­ty pre­cau­ti­ons gua­ran­tee a high le­vel of pro­tec­tion for your information. 

Constant availability 

Get ac­cess to your data at any time, re­gard­less of your lo­ca­ti­on. This fle­xi­bi­li­ty sup­ports ef­fi­ci­ent working both in the of­fice and on the move. 


Ge­ne­ra­te com­pre­hen­si­ve re­ports and sta­tis­tics on your com­plaints in or­der to make in­for­med decisions. 

Digitise your processes for greater efficiency

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Mapping of a notebook on which the QM workflows of Digital Life Sciences are mapped, Complaint, Deviation Control, CAPA, Change Control
PDF Do­cu­ment

The di­gi­tal forms are also con­ver­ted to a PDF/A in par­al­lel. This way, em­ployees who are not in­vol­ved in the pro­cess can also gain in­sight into the work­flow and the do­cu­ment can be shared with ex­ter­nal par­ties if required.

dls | complaint

What is the Com­plaint Process?
The CP (Com­plaint Pro­cess) al­lows drug safety/pharmacovigilance com­plaints to be sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly re­cor­ded and pro­ces­sed in con­for­mi­ty with re­gu­la­to­ry and in­ter­nal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. The aim of this pro­cess is to en­su­re an ef­fi­ci­ent, se­cu­re and le­gal­ly com­pli­ant pro­ce­du­re by me­ans of sys­te­ma­tic, traceable me­a­su­re management.

Au­dit Trail

Every ac­tion in the pro­cess is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly do­cu­men­ted by the sys­tem ac­cor­din­gly. In­te­gra­ted au­dit trail func­tions en­su­re high traceability.


The di­gi­tal form is fil­led out step by step and pro­vi­ded with the re­le­vant ent­ries and data. Fields with a blue back­ground are man­da­to­ry. Pre­de­fi­ned va­lue sets and drop-down func­tions make it easy for users to fill out the form.

Pro­cess Steps

Af­ter pro­ces­sing the in­di­vi­du­al steps (1. In­itia­ti­on, 2. In­iti­al as­sess­ment, 3. De­fi­ni­ti­on of me­a­su­res, etc.), the work­flow sys­tem au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly sends tasks and mes­sa­ges to the re­spon­si­ble agents or work­flow par­ti­ci­pan­ts. Once all steps have been pro­ces­sed, the work­flow is con­side­red complete.

Step 1: Initiation
In this step, the in­itia­tor spe­ci­fies the ge­ne­ral data, the sen­der and the pro­duct con­cer­ned. If sti­pu­la­ted for the sel­ec­ted pro­duct type, the step plan of­fi­cer will be involved.

Would you like a live insight into the software?

Gain a com­pre­hen­si­ve live in­sight into the pos­si­bi­li­ties of pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment pro­ces­ses wi­thin just 45 mi­nu­tes using a spe­ci­fic use case. Learn how you can use Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­ons to op­ti­mi­ze your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted QM pro­ces­ses, such as com­plaints (Com­plaint Ma­nage­ment), de­via­ti­on re­ports (De­via­ti­on con­trol), cor­rec­ti­ve and pre­ven­ti­ve ac­tions (CAPA) and Ch­an­ge Con­trol ef­fi­ci­ent­ly th­rough our di­gi­tal workflows.

Some features of Complaint Management

What regulations must be observed in the Complaint Process?

ISO 9001:2015, Chap­ter 5.1.2

EU GMP Gui­de Part 1, Chap­ter 8 

EU GMP Gui­de Part 2, Sec­tion 15 

FDA 21 CFR Part 211 

FDA 21 CFR 7 Sub­part C 

Or­di­nan­ce for the Ma­nu­fac­tu­re of Me­di­cinal Pro­ducts and Ac­ti­ve Phar­maceu­ti­cal In­gre­di­ents (AMWHV) §19

33 Good reasons for a cooperation with Digital LS

You’re not con­vin­ced yet? You’re not con­vin­ced yet? Find out about 33 good re­asons spea­king for a co­ope­ra­ti­on with Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH. We will show you re­asons from the provider’s point of view, from the soft­ware point of view and other ge­ne­ral re­asons that di­stin­gu­ish us.

Customer review

You might also like…

Com­plaint ma­nage­ment is a com­po­nent of the Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­on suite. Each pro­duct is powerful on its own, but when used tog­e­ther they are even better.

Emblem for the software solution Document Control

Document Control software

Whe­ther work / pro­cess in­s­truc­tions (SOPs), pro­cess de­scrip­ti­ons, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons or other ty­pes of do­cu­ments — you can crea­te, re­vi­se and sign them all di­gi­tal­ly with the do­cu­ment con­trol software.

Emblem for the software solution training management

Training Management software

Ex­tend the “Do­cu­ment Con­trol” mo­du­le to ac­tively plan and re­cord the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons of your em­ployees with our trai­ning ma­nage­ment software.

Emblem for the e-learning software solution

E‑learning software

Use the new soft­ware “E‑Learning” to train your em­ployees di­gi­tal­ly. Crea­te an e‑learning cour­se ac­cor­ding to your wis­hes using Mi­cro­soft Power­Point or in­te­gra­te exis­ting presentations.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Complaint

The Com­plaint pro­cess flow has been de­si­gned in ac­cordance with the GxP re­gu­la­ti­ons and crea­ted in con­sul­ta­ti­on with QM ex­perts. Against the back­ground of the va­li­da­ti­on do­cu­men­ta­ti­on, the pro­cess steps are the­r­e­fo­re man­da­to­ry. Ho­we­ver, each pro­cess step con­ta­ins a ‘Cus­tom Pa­nel’, which can be used to dis­play fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on or in­itia­te actions.

In the work­flow ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on, you can con­fi­gu­re the names of the pro­cess steps, field names and datasets.

When working on a pro­cess step, only this step can be pro­ces­sed, but the other pro­cess steps are still visible.

The es­sen­ti­al data of a Com­plaint is trans­fer­red to the at­tri­bu­tes of the data re­cord. This al­lows you to search and ana­ly­ze the Com­plaints you have crea­ted. The ana­ly­ses can be ex­por­ted as PDF, EXCEL or WORD documents.

In all pro­cess steps that fol­low the in­itia­ti­on, you can for­ward the pro­cess step to an­o­ther per­son. The recipient’s aut­ho­riza­ti­on is che­cked du­ring the selection.

Pro­duct de­fects af­fect cus­to­mer sa­tis­fac­tion and can also pose a risk to he­alth and safe­ty. Com­plaint ma­nage­ment is the­r­e­fo­re a cen­tral ele­ment of qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment: Re­por­ted com­plaints are sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly re­cor­ded and pro­ces­sed. A com­plaint ma­nage­ment soft­ware par­ti­al­ly au­to­ma­tes the ma­nage­ment pro­cess and hand­les com­plaints ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. It also pro­vi­des a va­rie­ty of me­thods and tools to re­cord in­co­ming com­plaints, iden­ti­fy their cau­ses, eli­mi­na­te them and pre­vent them in the fu­ture. This mi­ni­mi­zes the risk of re­pea­ting er­rors and re­du­ces the as­so­cia­ted cos­ts. The aim is to achie­ve a sus­tainable im­pro­ve­ment in pro­duct quality.

Com­plaint en­ables the se­cu­re, struc­tu­red and ef­fi­ci­ent pro­ces­sing of com­plaints using elec­tro­nic si­gna­tures and stan­dar­di­zed work­flows. This crea­tes trans­pa­ren­cy, do­cu­ments the de­cisi­ve pro­ces­sing steps and makes every com­plaint traceable. In this way, pos­si­ble ir­re­gu­la­ri­ties can no lon­ger be over­loo­ked in the fu­ture. Ear­ly war­ning in­di­ca­tors and dif­fe­ren­tia­ted es­cala­ti­on me­cha­nisms are also pro­ving useful. Re­spon­si­ble par­ties are no­ti­fied ac­cor­ding to their role so that the com­plaint pro­cess is con­ti­nuous­ly mo­ni­to­red. In ad­di­ti­on, work­flows can be fle­xi­bly ad­apt­ed to spe­ci­fic com­pa­ny sce­na­ri­os. This en­su­res com­pli­ance with ap­pli­ca­ble in­dus­try stan­dards and re­gu­la­ti­ons, such as ISO 9001 or ISO 13485.

In con­trol­led en­vi­ron­ments, the role of com­plaints is of par­ti­cu­lar im­portance. FDA re­gu­la­ti­ons and ISO stan­dards re­qui­re a for­mal com­plaint ma­nage­ment sys­tem. Ef­fec­ti­ve com­plaint ma­nage­ment is im­portant for in­forming su­per­vi­sors or re­gu­la­tors of qua­li­ty is­sues. Con­trol­led com­pa­nies need to be able to re­sol­ve the­se is­sues quickly.

In prin­ci­ple, a pro­cess step is com­ple­ted with an elec­tro­nic si­gna­tu­re and can no lon­ger be cor­rec­ted. With the func­tion ‘Step back’ the pro­cess can be re­tur­ned to a pre­vious pro­cess step. The user who has com­ple­ted this step re­cei­ves it again for editing and the pro­cess con­ti­nues from this step. Any re­turn to a pre­vious step is re­cor­ded in the au­dit trail.

It can be con­fi­gu­red so that the pro­cess can be can­cel­led at any pro­cess step. For the can­cel­la­ti­on, it is re­qui­red to in­di­ca­te a re­ason in a man­da­to­ry field. Only the coor­di­na­tor of the pro­cess is al­lo­wed to cancel.

If ad­di­tio­nal files are re­qui­red for a pro­cess, at­tach­ments can be uploa­ded in all pro­cess steps and lin­ked to the cur­rent pro­cess. The at­tach­ments are stored un­der a cor­re­spon­ding do­cu­ment type in the DMS and can be view­ed in the com­plaint un­der ‘At­tach­ments’ by all pro­cess par­ti­ci­pan­ts. You can con­fi­gu­re which file ty­pes can be sa­ved as at­tach­ments and how lar­ge the files can be.

In the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on, time spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons can be en­te­red for each pro­cess step. Re­min­der mes­sa­ges are sent be­fo­re the pro­cess steps are due. The re­min­der mes­sa­ge is sent to the pro­ces­sor of the task, the coor­di­na­tor and the con­fi­gu­red group that is to be in­for­med about the re­min­der (for ex­am­p­le, QA). A re­min­der is sent with the con­fi­gu­red subject.

Ha­ving en­te­red a me­a­su­re, you can save it as a tem­p­la­te in the me­a­su­re ta­ble. The tem­pla­tes are available for in­ser­ti­on in a Com­plaint. The due date for the me­a­su­re is cal­cu­la­ted ba­sed on the du­ra­ti­on en­te­red in the template.

In com­bi­na­ti­on with the De­via­ti­on Con­trol, CAPA and Ch­an­ge Con­trol work­flows, the com­plaint ma­nage­ment soft­ware “Com­plaint” hand­les the en­ti­re pro­blem re­so­lu­ti­on pro­cess, from re­port­ing to ef­fec­ti­ve­ness test­ing to the com­plaint com­ple­ti­on. For ex­am­p­le, ap­pro­pria­te cor­rec­ti­ve or pre­ven­ti­ve ac­tions can be crea­ted di­rect­ly from iden­ti­fied de­fi­ci­en­ci­es. The Com­plaint soft­ware thus si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­crea­ses the ef­fi­ci­en­cy of qua­li­ty-re­la­ted pro­ces­ses and con­tri­bu­tes to a si­gni­fi­cant re­duc­tion in the cos­ts of qua­li­ty incidents.

Wi­thin com­plaint pro­ces­sing, an in­iti­al as­sess­ment of the si­tua­ti­on or case/problem can be map­ped by the company’s own em­ployees. In the fur­ther cour­se, me­a­su­res can be de­fi­ned which con­se­quent­ly con­tri­bu­te to pro­blem sol­ving and thus to com­plaint sti­mu­la­ti­on af­ter they have been pro­ces­sed. The­se are im­portant steps to lo­ca­te re­spon­si­bi­li­ties and de­cis­i­ons and to avo­id er­rors in the pro­cess chain. Ul­ti­m­ate­ly, the abili­ty to ask ques­ti­ons di­gi­tal­ly wi­thin the pro­cess and re­cei­ve feed­back in a short time also pro­ves to be a gre­at op­por­tu­ni­ty for companies.

Quick contact

Do you have a ques­ti­on about the Com­plaint module?
Our sa­les team will help you prompt­ly and gladly.