GxP-compliant software for your document & quality management

Di­gi­ta­li­sie­ren Sie Ihre Pro­zes­se für noch mehr Ef­fi­zi­enz und Transparenz 

Voll­stän­di­ge Be­rück­sich­ti­gung Ih­rer spe­zi­fi­schen Regularien 

eDMS & eQMS — eine Di­gi­ta­li­sie­rungs­platt­form für Ihr Unternehmen 

Control of documents
and archiving

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Ar­chi­ve your do­cu­ments with dls | eQMS, our so­lu­ti­on suite ba­sed on the pro­ven d.velop do­cu­ments (form­er­ly d.3ecm) from d.velop AG. 

Re­gard­less if of­fers, in­voices, de­li­very no­tes, batch pro­ces­sing re­cords or test re­cords — all are stored in the cen­tral di­gi­tal ar­chi­ve, of cour­se in com­pli­ance with the re­gu­la­to­ry re­qui­re­ments like GoBD or GxP.

Espe­ci­al­ly for GxP re­qui­re­ments we have ex­pan­ded our ar­chi­ve sys­tem by elec­tro­nic si­gna­tu­re so­lu­ti­ons ac­cor­ding to FDA CFR Part 11 and EU GMP gui­de­lines an­nex 11. For ex­am­p­le, you can di­gi­tal­ly re­lease your batch do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and di­gi­tal­ly ma­na­ge your batch record.

Document control 

Click me! 

Our so­lu­ti­ons are spe­cia­li­zed in the life cy­cle of your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on do­cu­ments and forms. If you still re­qui­re pa­per prin­touts, we also con­trol the­se with the help of our con­trol­led print.

All do­cu­ments are di­gi­tal­ly ma­na­ged from their crea­ti­on to their in­va­li­da­ti­on. Ap­pr­oval work­flows with elec­tro­nic si­gna­tu­re are in­te­gra­ted just like the pu­bli­ca­ti­on and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of documents.

The sys­tem also ta­kes care of the trai­ning ma­nage­ment in terms of plan­ning and do­cu­men­ting the ade­qua­te trai­ning of your em­ployees for their re­spec­ti­ve task area.

QM processes
accompanying production

Click me! 

Con­trol pro­ces­ses such as Com­plaints, De­via­ti­on Con­trol, Cor­rec­ti­ve And Pre­ven­ti­ve Ac­tions (CAPA) and Ch­an­ge Con­trol with our di­gi­tal workflows.

Our so­lu­ti­ons sup­port you in the crea­ti­on of re­ports like e.g. PQR. Ea­si­ly crea­te sta­tis­tics on fre­quen­cy, cri­ti­cal­i­ty or lead time of your QM processes.

Pro­vi­ded they are aut­ho­ri­zed, also em­ployees who are not in­vol­ved in the pro­cess, have an over­view of the cur­rent pro­ces­ses. Thus, you in­crease trans­pa­ren­cy and the in­for­ma­ti­ve va­lue in your company.

Control of recordings and archiving

Ar­chi­ve your do­cu­ments with dls | eQMS, our so­lu­ti­on suite ba­sed on the pro­ven d.velop do­cu­ments (form­er­ly d.3ecm) from d.velop AG.

Re­gard­less if of­fers, in­voices, de­li­very no­tes, batch pro­ces­sing re­cords or test re­cords — all are stored in the cen­tral di­gi­tal ar­chi­ve, of cour­se in com­pli­ance with the re­gu­la­to­ry re­qui­re­ments like GoBD or GxP.

Espe­ci­al­ly for GxP re­qui­re­ments we have ex­pan­ded our ar­chi­ve sys­tem by elec­tro­nic si­gna­tu­re so­lu­ti­ons ac­cor­ding to FDA CFR Part 11 and EU GMP gui­de­lines an­nex 11. Thus, you can e.g. re­lease your batch do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and keep your batch re­cord electronically.

Document control

Our so­lu­ti­ons are spe­cia­li­zed in the life cy­cle of your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on do­cu­ments and forms. If you still re­qui­re pa­per prin­touts, we also con­trol the­se with the help of our con­trol­led print.

All do­cu­ments are ma­na­ged elec­tro­ni­cal­ly from crea­ti­on un­til their im­ple­men­ta­ti­on. Ap­pr­oval work­flows with elec­tro­nic si­gna­tu­re are in­te­gra­ted just like the pu­bli­ca­ti­on and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of documents.

The sys­tem also ta­kes care of the trai­ning ma­nage­ment in terms of plan­ning and do­cu­men­ting the ade­qua­te trai­ning of your em­ployees for their re­spec­ti­ve task area.

QM processes accompanying production

Con­trol pro­ces­ses such as Com­plaints, De­via­ti­on Con­trol, Cor­rec­ti­ve And Pre­ven­ti­ve Ac­tions (CAPA) and Ch­an­ge Con­trol with our di­gi­tal workflows.

Our so­lu­ti­ons sup­port you in the crea­ti­on of re­ports like e.g. PQR. Ea­si­ly crea­te sta­tis­tics on fre­quen­cy, cri­ti­cal­i­ty or lead time of your QM processes.

Pro­vi­ded they are aut­ho­ri­zed, also em­ployees who are not in­vol­ved in the pro­cess, have an over­view of the cur­rent pro­ces­ses. Thus, you in­crease trans­pa­ren­cy and the in­for­ma­ti­ve va­lue in your company.

We sol­ve real problems

Your path to digitalization

Emblem for the software solution Document Control

Document Control software

Whe­ther work / pro­cess in­s­truc­tions (SOPs), pro­cess de­scrip­ti­ons, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons or other do­cu­ment ty­pes — you can crea­te, re­vi­se, and sign them all di­gi­tal­ly with the do­cu­ment con­trol software.

Emblem for the software solution training management

Training Management software

Ex­tend the mo­du­le “Do­cu­ment Con­trol” to ac­tively plan and log your em­ployees’ qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons with our trai­ning ma­nage­ment software.

Emblem for the e-learning software solution

E‑learning software

Use the new “E‑learning” soft­ware to train your em­ployees di­gi­tal­ly. Crea­te e‑learnings ac­cor­ding to your wis­hes using Mi­cro­soft Power­Point or in­te­gra­te exis­ting presentations.

Emblem for the software solution Document Control

Document Control software

Whe­ther work / pro­cess in­s­truc­tions (SOPs), pro­cess de­scrip­ti­ons, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons or other do­cu­ment ty­pes — you can crea­te, re­vi­se, and sign them all di­gi­tal­ly with the do­cu­ment con­trol software.

Emblem for the software solution training management

Training Management software

Ex­tend the mo­du­le “Do­cu­ment Con­trol” to ac­tively plan and log your em­ployees’ qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons with our trai­ning ma­nage­ment software.

Emblem for the e-learning software solution

E‑learning software

Use the new “E‑learning” soft­ware to train your em­ployees di­gi­tal­ly. Crea­te e‑learnings ac­cor­ding to your wis­hes using Mi­cro­soft Power­Point or in­te­gra­te exis­ting presentations.

Emblem for the software solution QM processes

QM processes (Complaint | DC | CAPA | CC)

Di­gi­ta­li­se your ISO pro­ces­ses. Con­trol your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted QM pro­ces­ses using di­gi­tal workflows.

Emblem for the software solution QM processes

QM processes (Complaint | DC | CAPA | CC)

Di­gi­ta­li­se your ISO pro­ces­ses. Con­trol your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted QM pro­ces­ses using di­gi­tal workflows.

Emblem for the software solution Technical Documentation

Technical Documentation software

Crea­te and up­date your tech­ni­cal do­cu­men­ta­ti­on, e.g. in ac­cordance with the re­qui­re­ments of the Me­di­cal De­vice Re­gu­la­ti­on (MDR).

Emblem for the software solution Contract Management

Contract Management software

Keep track of your con­tracts. Let us re­mind you about key dates such as ter­mi­na­ti­on op­ti­ons or re­ne­wal op­ti­ons in a mul­ti-stage procedure.

Emblem for the software solution Technical Documentation

Technical Documentation software

Crea­te and up­date your tech­ni­cal do­cu­men­ta­ti­on, e.g. in ac­cordance with the re­qui­re­ments of the Me­di­cal De­vice Re­gu­la­ti­on (MDR).

Emblem for the software solution Contract Management

Contract Management software

Keep track of your con­tracts. Let us re­mind you about key dates such as ter­mi­na­ti­on op­ti­ons or re­ne­wal op­ti­ons in a mul­ti-stage procedure.


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Would you like to stay up to date? Then sub­scri­be to our newsletter.

You are curr­ent­ly vie­w­ing a pla­ce­hol­der con­tent from Bre­vo. To ac­cess the ac­tu­al con­tent, click the but­ton be­low. Plea­se note that do­ing so will share data with third-par­ty providers.

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In the meeting room, the female executive shows the male investor a digital tablet computer.