Optimise learning success with E‑learning software

Our E‑learning soft­ware of­fers an ef­fi­ci­ent so­lu­ti­on for trai­nings. With an in­tui­ti­ve user in­ter­face and powerful func­tions for op­ti­mal lear­ning re­sults and in­creased productivity.

Cen­tral ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on and al­lo­ca­ti­on of e‑learning content 

Au­to­ma­tic up­dating of the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on matrix 

Seam­less in­te­gra­ti­on of exis­ting presentations 

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» dls | e‑learning «

Effective E‑learning software for sustainable training success

Op­ti­mi­se the trai­ning of your em­ployees with our in­no­va­ti­ve mo­du­le “dls | e‑learning” and de­sign tail­or-made e‑learning con­tent ac­cor­ding to your ide­as – by crea­ting new lear­ning ma­te­ri­als in Mi­cro­soft Power­Point or in­te­gra­ting exis­ting pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. Ef­fort­less­ly in­te­gra­te con­tent from the elec­tro­nic do­cu­ment and qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment sys­tem (eDMS / eQMS), such as de­fault and stan­dard do­cu­ments, and cus­to­mi­se your elec­tro­nic exams with a va­rie­ty of in­ter­ac­ti­ve ele­ments (e.g. sel­ec­tion pro­cess, text ans­wers, clo­ze texts, puz­zles, drag & drop, etc.) di­rect­ly from Power­Point. The e‑learning is con­ve­ni­ent­ly de­li­ver­ed via the task in­box and can be com­ple­ted immediately.

If you are al­re­a­dy using our “Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment” mo­du­le, the E‑learning trai­ning type is available the­re. Af­ter a suc­cessful exam, the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vel of your em­ployees is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly up­dated and dis­play­ed in the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on matrix.

How do you benefit from the E‑learning software?

Digital qualification matrix management 

Make ma­nu­al­ly ma­na­ged EXCEL lists for map­ping the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix ob­so­le­te – ma­na­ge them com­ple­te­ly di­gi­tal­ly instead. 

Minimisation of process runtimes 

Op­ti­mi­sing pro­cess run­times when crea­ting, re­vi­sing, re­leasing and dis­tri­bu­ting your trai­ning do­cu­ments sa­ves you va­luable time. 

Saving resources 

Eli­mi­na­te un­neces­sa­ry prin­touts and pa­per on your desk. This does not only pro­tect the en­vi­ron­ment and your ner­ves, but also sa­ves a lot of money. 

Convenient evaluation 

Eva­lua­te your qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vel con­ve­ni­ent­ly and fle­xi­bly on the ba­sis of a do­cu­ment, an em­ployee or a qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on profile. 

Link to Training Management 

If you use our mo­du­le “Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment”, the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vel of your em­ployees is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly up­dated as soon as they have suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted the exam. 

Constant availability 

Ac­cess your e‑learnings at any time, re­gard­less of whe­re you are. 

Use of existing seminars 

Be­ne­fit from our part­ner­ship with PTS Trai­ning Ser­vice and purcha­se pre-de­fi­ned to­pic-spe­ci­fic se­mi­nars that you can use to train your employees. 

Securing activity 

En­su­re that only em­ployees who have been suc­cessful­ly trai­ned car­ry out the re­le­vant activity. 

Discover our modern E‑learning solution

Get a first overview

Notebook on which the e-learning of Digital Life Sciences is displayed
E‑learning task

Here you will find your e‑learning, which was pre­vious­ly de­si­gned using Power­Point, pro­vi­ded with va­rious ques­ti­on ty­pes and as­si­gned to the em­ployee as a task.

The menu is ope­ned by cli­cking on the dls | eQMS icon in the top left-hand cor­ner. As soon as you sel­ect a menu item or sub­me­nu item, the cor­re­spon­ding re­sult list is dis­play­ed in the over­view window.

Drop Zone

Using the Drop Zone, both non-con­trol­led as well as con­trol­led do­cu­ments can con­ve­ni­ent­ly be stored via drag & drop.

Re­a­ding pane

A pre­view is available for each do­cu­ment in the fle­xi­bly cus­to­mi­sable re­a­ding mode. Here you can view the do­cu­ment as­si­gned to the e‑learning.


In the ap­pli­ca­ti­on win­dow of the dls | eQMS you will find the fol­lo­wing menu items, de­pen­ding on the user, li­cen­sed mo­du­le and authorisations:

Task mail­box

Due to a trai­ning event for a do­cu­ment or an ad­di­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on, you may be as­ked to com­ple­te an e‑learning. You will re­cei­ve a task with the sub­ject “Per­form e‑learning” in your task mail­box. Tasks can also be sent by e‑mail. 

Would you like a live insight into the software?

Get a live in­sight into your op­ti­ons of qua­li­fy­ing em­ployees in just  30 mi­nu­tes with the e‑learning trai­ning type using a prac­ti­cal ex­am­p­le. Find out how you can use Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­ons to plan your in­di­vi­du­al trai­ning and edu­ca­ti­on me­a­su­res and com­bi­ne them ef­fec­tively with elec­tro­nic exams.

Extract of some features of the E‑learning software

Cooperation with PTS Training Service

Schnettler, PTS and Mr. Gukelberger, Digital Life Sciences Document Quality Management

E‑learning: Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces and PTS Trai­ning Ser­vice be­co­me partners

Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces and PTS Trai­ning Ser­vice de­ci­ded to work tog­e­ther even more clo­se­ly in 2019. The­r­e­fo­re, Rein­hard Schnett­ler of PTS and Thi­lo Gu­kel­ber­ger of d.velop si­gned a co­ope­ra­ti­on agree­ment for com­pa­ny-wide e‑learning so­lu­ti­ons. You can learn more about this in a com­pre­hen­si­ve news article.

33 Good reasons to work with Digital LS

You are not con­vin­ced yet? Find out about 33 good re­asons spea­king for a co­ope­ra­ti­on with Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH. We will show you re­asons from the provider’s point of view, from the soft­ware point of view and other ge­ne­ral re­asons that di­stin­gu­ish us.

Customer review

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E‑learning is a com­po­nent of the Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­on suite. Each pro­duct is powerful on its own, but when used tog­e­ther they are even better.

Emblem for the software solution Document Control

Document Control software

Whe­ther work / pro­cess in­s­truc­tions (SOPs), pro­cess de­scrip­ti­ons, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons or other do­cu­ment ty­pes — you can crea­te, re­vi­se, and sign them all di­gi­tal­ly with the do­cu­ment con­trol software.

Emblem for the software solution training management

Training Management software

Ex­tend the mo­du­le “Do­cu­ment Con­trol” to ac­tively plan and log your em­ployees’ qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons with our Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment software.

Emblem for the software solution QM processes

QM processes (Complaint | DC | CAPA | CC)

Di­gi­ta­li­se your ISO pro­ces­ses. Con­trol your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted QM pro­ces­ses using di­gi­tal workflows.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about E‑Learning

Yes, exis­ting Power­Point pre­sen­ta­ti­ons can be used with the E‑learning soft­ware. We also of­fer the ser­vice of con­ver­ting exis­ting Power­Point pre­sen­ta­ti­ons into an e‑learning for­mat. Re­a­dy-made e‑learning cour­ses can also be purcha­sed from PTS Trai­ning Service.

Yes – the users have to be crea­ted in the d.3 ar­chi­ve as be­fo­re and need, for ex­am­p­le, a “com­pu­ter with web brow­ser” to log in to the trai­ning por­tal. The as­si­gned e‑learnings are then dis­play­ed the­re. A shared com­pu­ter or ta­blet PC in the pro­duc­tion fa­ci­li­ty can also be used.

Yes – for both on­line and off­line users, the as­so­cia­ted pro­ofs of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on are crea­ted in Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment when an e‑learning cour­se is completed.

Only the crea­tors (aut­hors) of e‑learnings re­qui­re a li­cence. The re­sult is an E‑learning so­lu­ti­on that can be used by ever­yo­ne, wi­t­hout any con­nec­tion to the iSpring Suite and wi­t­hout a licence.

The use of Power­Point pre­sen­ta­ti­ons will be sup­port­ed in fu­ture ver­si­ons of SOP Ma­nage­ment. Ho­we­ver, we will have some li­mi­ta­ti­ons here, as we will not have the pla­ce­hol­ders for in­ser­ting do­cu­ment in­for­ma­ti­on (e.g. titles) in presentations.

If an em­ployee has suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted an e‑learning, the em­ployee will re­cei­ve pro­of, just like in the mo­du­le “Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment”, which con­se­quent­ly ch­an­ges the cur­rent ver­si­on of the as­so­cia­ted spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on do­cu­ment or the as­so­cia­ted ad­di­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on to 100% wi­thin a qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on matrix.

The use of e‑learning soft­ware of­fers com­pa­nies many ad­van­ta­ges and op­por­tu­ni­ties. E‑learning does not only enable cost sa­vings, but also makes the en­ti­re lear­ning pro­cess fle­xi­ble and con­troll­able. Mo­ni­to­ring re­sults and em­ployee ma­nage­ment is also made easier.

Ad­di­tio­nal ad­van­ta­ges include:

  • Lear­ning in­de­pen­dent of time and place (on­line)
  • Si­gni­fi­cant sa­vings on tra­vel and ac­com­mo­da­ti­on costs
  • In­ter­ac­tion options
  • In­di­vi­du­al elec­tro­nic exams
  • Bet­ter over­view of the learners
  • Fle­xi­ble ad­apt­a­ti­on to spe­ci­fic needs
  • Easy in­te­gra­ti­on of mul­ti­me­dia con­tent (vi­de­os, au­dio, etc.)
  • Com­bi­na­ti­on of dif­fe­rent forms (blen­ded learning)
  • Lear­ning ad­apt­ed to pri­or know­ledge possible
  • Dif­fe­rent pri­or know­ledge can be bet­ter compensated
  • Fle­xi­ble and mul­ti­l­in­gu­al lear­ning possible
  • E‑learning in­crea­ses independence
  • Stan­dar­di­sed quality
  • Use of a tool with many functions

The e‑learning soft­ware so­lu­ti­on has many ad­van­ta­ges for com­pa­nies. They can use it to crea­te and ma­na­ge on­line cour­ses so they don’t have to hire ex­pen­si­ve ex­ter­nal con­sul­tants or de­ve­lo­pers. The soft­ware also has fea­tures like ga­mi­fi­ca­ti­on that en­cou­ra­ge lear­ners to en­ga­ge more with the ma­te­ri­al, ma­king it ea­sier for them to learn new things.

E‑learning soft­ware is used by com­pa­nies to ma­na­ge their lear­ning con­tent and pro­ces­ses. The best e‑learning soft­ware so­lu­ti­ons are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by user-fri­end­li­ne­ss and a wide ran­ge of functions.

The users of an e‑learning soft­ware in­clude all em­ployees who are to be trained.

The e‑learning soft­ware so­lu­ti­on is dif­fe­rent from other lear­ning ma­nage­ment sys­tems be­cau­se it is de­si­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons that want to crea­te and ma­na­ge on­line cour­ses wi­t­hout hi­ring ex­ter­nal con­sul­tants or de­ve­lo­pers. Other LMSs may not be able to hand­le this type of task as well as our pro­duct — they may not have all the fea­tures nee­ded to crea­te an ef­fec­ti­ve cour­se or ma­na­ge lear­ners effectively.

The e‑learning soft­ware so­lu­ti­on en­ables the crea­ti­on, ma­nage­ment and pu­bli­ca­ti­on of on­line cour­ses. At the same time, it of­fers a powerful ma­nage­ment tool for your company’s e‑learning content.

The soft­ware is available in con­junc­tion with Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment and in­cludes a ran­ge of functions:

  1. Plan­ning of in­di­vi­du­al trai­ning cour­ses and trai­ning measures
  2. Easy crea­ti­on using Mi­cro­soft PowerPoint
  3. In­te­gra­ti­on of con­tent from the eDMS / eQMS pos­si­ble (e.g. spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on and stan­dard documents)
  4. In­te­gra­ti­on of do­cu­ments, au­dio files and vi­de­os to cla­ri­fy the lear­ning content
  5. Com­bi­na­ti­on with elec­tro­nic exams
  6. In­di­vi­du­al de­sign op­ti­ons for per­for­mance as­sess­ment (e.g. mul­ti­ple-choice, true/false ans­wers, text ans­wers, clo­ze texts, puz­zles, drag and drop, etc.)
  7. Easy pro­ces­sing of the elec­tro­nic exam via de­li­ver­ed tasks in the sys­tem or via a web-ba­sed trai­ning portal
  8. Au­to­ma­tic trans­mis­si­on of the re­sult of the elec­tro­nic exams to the Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment module
  9. Au­to­ma­tic up­dating of em­ployee qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vels wi­thin a qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on matrix
  10. Use of a web-ba­sed trai­ning portal

Sup­port for suc­cess con­trols is plan­ned. Thus, on the one hand, the­re are con­sider­a­b­ly more ques­ti­on ty­pes to choo­se from and on the other hand, the user al­ways re­cei­ves feed­back af­ter each ques­ti­on and at the end of the exam.

Yes – at this point we also plan to pro­vi­de sup­port for the lear­ning con­trols that have been crea­ted. The exis­ting ques­ti­on op­ti­ons will not be ex­pan­ded fur­ther, so that no new ques­ti­on ty­pes are sup­port­ed here.

Yes – the e‑learnings are also ver­sio­ned and ma­na­ged in the d.3 archive.

The­re is not­hing to pre­vent the pre­sen­ted trai­ning por­tal from be­ing in­stal­led in your com­pa­ny net­work or DMZ (spe­ci­al­ly se­cu­red sec­tion of your com­pa­ny net­work). This would also al­low ac­cess to the trai­ning por­tal from out­side wi­t­hout VPN.

With ver­si­on 3.0, we will not yet sup­port this li­mi­ta­ti­on. In a sub­se­quent ver­si­on, ho­we­ver, it will be pos­si­ble to con­fi­gu­re how of­ten a user may re­peat an e‑learning ses­si­on and which group of peo­p­le will be in­for­med in this case (trai­ning coor­di­na­tor, supervisor).

E‑learning re­fers to lear­ning with di­gi­tal me­dia or tools. It in­cludes the pre­pa­ra­ti­on, pre­sen­ta­ti­on and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of lear­ning con­tent in the form of e‑books, blogs, fo­rums or e‑learning cour­ses. The di­gi­tal­ly pre­pared lear­ning con­tent is of­ten pro­vi­ded and ma­na­ged on a lear­ning plat­form. For com­pa­nies, this me­ans a con­sidera­ble sim­pli­fi­ca­ti­on and im­pro­ve­ment in in­ter­nal training.

The e‑learning soft­ware so­lu­ti­on is a plat­form that al­lows com­pa­nies to crea­te and ma­na­ge on­line cour­ses. It en­ables the crea­ti­on of con­tent, the ma­nage­ment of lear­ners and the track­ing of progress.

E‑learning soft­ware is of­ten used in con­junc­tion with so­lu­ti­ons such as DMS (Do­cu­ment Ma­nage­ment Sys­tem), QMS (Qua­li­ty Ma­nage­ment Sys­tem), LMS (Lear­ning Ma­nage­ment Sys­tem), CMS (Con­tent Ma­nage­ment Sys­tem) or IDM (Iden­ti­ty Management).

The­re are many dif­fe­rent ty­pes of e‑learning so­lu­ti­ons on the mar­ket to­day, but they all have one thing in com­mon: They enable the crea­ti­on and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of con­tent that lear­ners can ac­cess via a plat­form. Ho­we­ver, the­re are some im­portant dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween the dif­fe­rent ty­pes of so­lu­ti­ons. Our spe­cia­lists will be hap­py to check with you in a live web­cast whe­ther our E‑learning soft­ware is sui­ta­ble for your company.

LMS stands for Lear­ning Ma­nage­ment Sys­tem. It is a type of e‑learning soft­ware that helps or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons crea­te, de­li­ver and ma­na­ge on­line courses.

What type of lear­ner is best sui­ted for an LMS?

Any em­ployee who needs ac­cess to trai­ning ma­te­ri­als can be­ne­fit from using an LMS.

Quick contact

Do you have a ques­ti­on about e‑learning software?
Our sa­les team will help you prompt­ly and gladly.