For a co­ope­ra­ti­on with Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH

Let us convince you

You have al­re­a­dy re­co­gni­zed that di­gi­tal qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment ac­ce­le­ra­tes your pro­ces­ses and in­crea­ses your data se­cu­ri­ty. But the­re are even more good re­asons for us and our soft­ware — 33, to be pre­cise. Thus, our soft­ware is com­ple­te­ly tail­o­red to your re­qui­re­ments, th­rough prac­ti­cal de­ve­lo­p­ment, in­di­vi­du­al con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and a user-fri­end­ly in­ter­face. Mo­rover, with us as a pro­vi­der, you get a part­ner at eye le­vel who sup­ports you with a high le­vel of ex­per­ti­se in the trans­for­ma­ti­on to di­gi­tal qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment. Dis­co­ver ever­y­thing that speaks for us and our soft­ware and let us take your busi­ness to a new level.

Supplier reasons

#1 Partners at eye level 

We are your part­ner in di­gi­tal ch­an­ge. Tog­e­ther we di­gi­ti­ze your company. 

#2 English language support 

All staff mem­bers of the sup­port de­part­ment will be hap­py to as­sist you in the Eng­lish language. 

#3 Everything from one source 

You re­cei­ve ever­y­thing from A to Z from one source. This in­cludes de­ve­lo­p­ment, back of­fice, pro­fes­sio­nal ser­vice, sup­port, do­cu­men­ta­ti­on, qua­li­ty assu­rance and much more… 

#4 Fixed contact persons 

With the start of the pro­ject you will have a fi­xed cont­act per­son for the who­le pro­ject who is available to you at any time. 

#5 Comprehensive references 

We of­fer you com­pre­hen­si­ve re­fe­ren­ces, whe­re you can con­vin­ce yours­elf of our so­lu­ti­on in advance. 

#6 Process know how / professional expertise 

Due to the high le­vel of pro­cess know­ledge and ex­per­ti­se we of­fer you a sys­tem at the hig­hest level. 

#7 Technical articles / publications 

We par­ti­ci­pa­te as aut­hors in the GMP-BERATER (GMP-Ver­lag Peit­her AG) and pu­blish in spe­cia­list jour­nals such as pharmind. 

#8 About 17 years of experience 

With now about 17 ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence we are es­tab­lished on the mar­ket and know whe­re the shoe pinches. 

#9 Employees with specialist background 

Due to the pro­fes­sio­nal back­grounds of our col­le­agues, a con­cen­tra­ted com­pe­tence team with ex­cel­lent know-how is at your disposal. 

#10 Regular auditing 

Our cus­to­mers au­dit us re­gu­lar­ly as part of their sup­pli­er qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on, e.g. ac­cor­ding to GAMP guidelines. 

#11 Strategic partnerships 

The part­ner­ships with PTS Trai­ning Ser­vice and Z.A.S. Zen­tral Ar­chiv Ser­vice as well as other part­ners ex­tend our ran­ge of services. 

#12 QA Agreement 

By me­ans of a QA agree­ment we gua­ran­tee the con­stant de­ve­lo­p­ment and ad­apt­a­ti­on of so­lu­ti­ons in ac­cordance with cur­rent regulations. 

#13 ISO 9001:2015 Certification 

Our qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment sys­tem has been tes­ted by TÜV Rhein­land and cer­ti­fied ac­cor­ding to ISO 9001–2015.

#14 Customer loyalty 

Our cus­to­mers app­re­cia­te the so­lu­ti­ons we of­fer and our ser­vice. Thus we are con­ti­nuous­ly stri­ving to ful­fil all cus­to­mer wishes. 

Software reasons

#15 Open for interfaces 

Our so­lu­ti­ons are open for in­te­gra­ti­on with other IT sys­tems such as LIMS/ERP.

#16 Multiple system levels 

Th­ree sys­tem le­vels (Test, Va­li­da­ti­on, Pro­duc­ti­ve) en­su­re suc­cessful va­li­da­ti­on and low-risk go­ing live. 

#17 Holistic (accounting + QM) 

You re­cei­ve a ho­li­stic so­lu­ti­on that ran­ges from com­mer­cial is­sues to qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment.

#18 Individual configuration 

Let the mo­du­les be con­fi­gu­red ac­cor­ding to your wis­hes and pre­fe­ren­ces to fa­ci­li­ta­te the on­boar­ding trai­ning for your colleagues. 

#19 Standard software (validation)

By me­ans of a stan­dard soft­ware you are al­ways on the right side re­gar­ding validation. 

#20 Low training effort 

Our simp­le and un­der­stan­da­ble soft­ware re­du­ces your trai­ning effort. 

#21 Validation packages & more 

Not only do we pro­vi­de you with the ap­pro­pria­te so­lu­ti­on, but we will of cour­se also help you with your va­li­da­ti­on, if desired. 

#22 Modularity / Building block system 

Our so­lu­ti­ons are ba­sed on a mo­du­lar con­s­truc­tion kit sys­tem that al­lows you to suc­ces­si­ve­ly ex­pand your system. 

#23 Prioritizable ticket system 

By me­ans of a ti­cket sys­tem that can be prio­ri­ti­zed, we gua­ran­tee sup­port that is tail­o­red to your needs. 

#24 User-friendly interface 

The ope­ra­ti­on of our so­lu­ti­ons is ba­sed on stan­dard Win­dows ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. Simp­le and straightforward! 

#25 Software development for practical work 

Re­cei­ve a so­lu­ti­on that has been de­ve­lo­ped in a prac­ti­cal way to meet the re­qui­re­ments and needs of our customers. 

#26 High specialist expertise in the solutions 

The in-depth ex­per­ti­se of our so­lu­ti­ons was de­ve­lo­ped in clo­se co­ope­ra­ti­on with re­fe­rence cus­to­mers. We are sure — you will also find the ful­film­ent of your re­qui­re­ments implemented. 

#27 Comprehensive maintenance service 

The main­ten­an­ce of your sys­tem in­cludes all up­dates and the as­so­cia­ted sup­port services. 

#28 Development according to requirements 

Our pro­duct ma­nage­ment al­ways has an ear to the cus­to­mer. In this way we de­ve­lop our so­lu­ti­ons in a tar­ge­ted man­ner and ac­cor­ding to requirements. 

General reasons

#29 Digital management 

Ma­na­ge your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on do­cu­ments (e.g. work and pro­cess in­s­truc­tions, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, hy­gie­ne plans), forms, con­tracts and other do­cu­ment ty­pes digitally. 

#30 Completion at the touch of a button 

Di­gi­tal­ly hand­le the do­cu­ment dis­tri­bu­ti­on and the si­gna­tu­re cir­cu­la­ti­on at the touch of a but­ton and fo­cus on your core business. 

#31 Increased data security 

Pro­tect your data from un­wan­ted in­ter­fe­rence by un­aut­ho­ri­zed users and from de­s­truc­ti­ve forces. 

#32 Minimization of process runtimes 

Save time by mi­ni­mi­zing pro­cess run­times for the crea­ti­on, re­vi­si­on, re­lease and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on documents. 

#33 Reduction of resources 

Re­du­ce un­neces­sa­ry prin­touts and pa­per on your desk. This spa­res the en­vi­ron­ment, your ner­ves and your money. 

Do you want to take your business to the next level?

Then look at our sui­ta­ble so­lu­ti­ons now.