Efficient software for your document control

Di­gi­tal do­cu­ment con­trol en­su­res com­pli­ance with re­gu­la­to­ry re­qui­re­ments and im­pro­ves the trans­pa­ren­cy and tracea­bi­li­ty of your do­cu­men­ta­ti­on-ba­sed processes.

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» dls | do­cu­ment control «

Control your documents with the module “document control”

Our soft­ware so­lu­ti­on “dls | do­cu­ment con­trol” en­ables you to crea­te, re­vi­se, and sign a wide ran­ge of do­cu­ment ty­pes com­ple­te­ly di­gi­tal­ly, in­clu­ding SOPs, work and pro­cess in­s­truc­tions, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, ope­ra­ting in­s­truc­tions, gui­de­lines, ma­nu­fac­tu­ring do­cu­ments, con­tracts, and more. The do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on is con­fi­gu­red fle­xi­bly so that dif­fe­rent do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­ons (sin­gle or mul­ti-le­vel) can be de­fi­ned de­pen­ding on the do­cu­ment tem­p­la­te. The sys­tem au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly as­signs “Pe­ri­odic re­view” tasks to the re­spec­ti­ve em­ployees. Missed dead­lines and pen­ding tasks are in­di­ca­ted by an in­te­gra­ted re­min­der and es­cala­ti­on ma­nage­ment sys­tem. Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the au­to­ma­ted ap­pr­oval pro­cess is con­firm­ed by an elec­tro­nic and GxP-com­pli­ant si­gna­tu­re. Mo­reo­ver, in­te­gra­ted au­dit trails in­crease the tracea­bi­li­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy of each document.

Illustration of a notebook on which the document control of Digital Life Sciences is displayed

How can you benefit from the Document Control software?

Digital Document Management 

Di­gi­tal­ly ma­na­ge your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on do­cu­ments (e.g. work and pro­cess in­s­truc­tions, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, hy­gie­ne plans), forms, con­tracts, and other do­cu­ment types. 

Completion at the touch of a button 

Di­gi­tal­ly hand­le the do­cu­ment dis­tri­bu­ti­on and the si­gna­tu­re cir­cu­la­ti­on at the touch of a but­ton and fo­cus on your core business. 

Increased data security 

Pro­tect your data from un­wan­ted in­ter­fe­rence by un­aut­ho­ri­sed users and from de­s­truc­ti­ve forces. 

Individual configuration 

Let the mo­du­les be con­fi­gu­red ac­cor­ding to your needs and pre­fe­ren­ces to sim­pli­fy the on­boar­ding trai­ning of your colleagues. 

Minimization of process runtimes 

Save time by mi­ni­mi­sing pro­cess run­times for the crea­ti­on, re­vi­si­on, re­lease and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on documents. 

Reduction of resources 

Re­du­ce un­neces­sa­ry prin­ting and pa­per on your desk to pro­tect the en­vi­ron­ment, avo­id stress, and save money. 

Central information platform 

Use d.velop do­cu­ments (form­er­ly d.3ecm) as your cen­tral in­for­ma­ti­on plat­form to ac­cess your data at any time. 

Constant availability 

Ac­cess your data at any time and from anywhere. 

Simplify your processes for greater efficiency

Get to know our software better

Illustration of a notebook on which the document control of Digital Life Sciences is displayed

All do­cu­ments and their pro­per­ties that match your search cri­te­ria wi­thin the DMS search are dis­play­ed here.

The menu is ope­ned via the dls | eQMS icon in the top left-hand cor­ner. If you choo­se a menu or sub­me­nu item, the cor­re­spon­ding re­sult list is dis­play­ed in the over­view window.

Drop Zone

Con­trol­led and non-con­trol­led do­cu­ments as well as any do­cu­ment ty­pes and file for­mats can be stored by drag & drop via the Drop Zone.

Re­a­ding pane

For each do­cu­ment, a pre­view can be dis­play­ed in the fle­xi­bly cus­to­mi­sable re­a­ding pane. 


De­pen­ding on the user, li­cen­sed mo­du­le, and aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on, the fol­lo­wing menu items are available in the dls | eQMS ap­pli­ca­ti­on window:

Do­cu­ment status

The do­cu­ment sta­tus dif­fe­ren­tia­tes between:

  • Pro­ces­sing (red)
  • In cir­cu­la­ti­on (yel­low)
  • Re­leased (green)
  • Wi­th­drawn (blue)
  • Trai­ning pe­ri­od (pur­ple)
DMS Search

Do­cu­ments can be found using va­rious search cri­te­ria and at­tri­bu­tes. The search re­sult is dis­play­ed in a re­sult list on the right side in a tab. Of cour­se, a full-text search as well as a search via vi­su­al ele­ments is also possible. 

Would you like a live insight into the software?

Get a per­so­nal live in­sight into the many pos­si­bi­li­ties of do­cu­ment con­trol in just 45 mi­nu­tes using an il­lus­tra­ti­ve use case. Find out how you can use Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­ons to elec­tro­ni­cal­ly crea­te, re­vi­se, and di­gi­tal­ly sign your work and pro­cess in­s­truc­tions (SOPs), pro­cess de­scrip­ti­ons, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, ope­ra­ting in­s­truc­tions, con­tracts, or any other type of document.

Some features of the Document Control

Which regulations must be observed for controlled documents?

33 Good reasons to work with Digital LS

You are not con­vin­ced yet? Find out about 33 good re­asons spea­king for a co­ope­ra­ti­on with Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH. We will show you re­asons from the provider’s point of view, from the soft­ware point of view and other ge­ne­ral re­asons that di­stin­gu­ish us. 

Customer review on the Document Control

You might also like…

Do­cu­ment con­trol is a com­po­nent of the Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­on suite. Each pro­duct is powerful on its own, but when used tog­e­ther they are even better.

Emblem for the software solution Training Management

Training Management software

Ex­tend the mo­du­le “Do­cu­ment Con­trol” to ac­tively plan and log your em­ployees’ qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons with our trai­ning ma­nage­ment software.

Emblem for the software solution E-Learning

E‑learning software

Use the new “E‑learning” soft­ware to train your em­ployees di­gi­tal­ly. Crea­te e‑learnings ac­cor­ding to your wis­hes using Mi­cro­soft Power­Point or in­te­gra­te exis­ting presentations.

Emblem for the software solution QM process

QM processes (Complaint | DC | CAPA | CC)

Di­gi­ta­li­se your ISO pro­ces­ses. Con­trol your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted QM pro­ces­ses using di­gi­tal workflows.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Document Control

For the ma­nage­ment of QM do­cu­ments, the dls | eQMS can ma­na­ge the th­ree do­cu­ment ca­te­go­ries ‘QM ma­nu­al’, ‘Pro­cess in­s­truc­tions’ and ‘Work in­s­truc­tions’. The­se th­ree do­cu­ment ca­te­go­ries re­pro­du­ce dif­fe­rent hier­ar­chi­cal le­vels of the QM do­cu­men­ta­ti­on. The QM ma­nu­al in­cludes uni­ver­sal­ly va­lid do­cu­ments such as po­li­ci­es, for ex­am­p­le, and re­fers to the other two un­der­ly­ing hier­ar­chy ty­pes for a de­tail­ed de­fi­ni­ti­on of ope­ra­ting instructions.

Do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­ons (e.g. re­view, ap­pr­oval, re­lease, trai­ning, set­ting ef­fec­ti­ve) can be fle­xi­bly con­fi­gu­red and ad­apt­ed to your com­pa­ny re­qui­re­ments. The do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on is lin­ked to the do­cu­ment tem­p­la­te; thus, a dif­fe­rent do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on could be de­fi­ned for each template.

You can de­ter­mi­ne whe­ther and which em­ployees and/or em­ployee pro­files can be sel­ec­ted in each in­di­vi­du­al step. You can also de­ter­mi­ne whe­ther a mi­ni­mum or ma­xi­mum num­ber of peo­p­le are in­vol­ved in a step and spe­ci­fy a par­ti­cu­lar person/profile or make it mandatory.

Set­ting a do­cu­ment ef­fec­ti­ve is al­ways the last step in a do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on and usual­ly ta­kes place au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly at the end of the sche­du­led trai­ning pe­ri­od. Ho­we­ver, it is also pos­si­ble to set do­cu­ments ma­nu­al­ly effective.

In a do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on, you can de­ci­de if you want to have a pe­ri­odic re­view task sent. If a pe­ri­odic re­view is plan­ned, the re­leaser re­cei­ves a date pro­po­sal ba­sed on the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on (e.g. 2 ye­ars af­ter the do­cu­ment has been set ef­fec­ti­ve) and a pe­ri­odic re­view task is sent ap­pro­pria­te­ly in advance.

The task for the pe­ri­odic re­view can be sent to dif­fe­rent per­sons or ac­ti­vi­ty pro­files (e.g. re­view­ers, ap­pro­vers, releasers).

In­de­pendent­ly of the ad­di­tio­nal fea­tures in the ‘trai­ning ma­nage­ment’, you can store a do­cu­ment dis­tri­bu­ti­on list on the ba­sis of which the ‘Bin­ding for list’ for a do­cu­ment is crea­ted. If do­cu­ment dis­tri­bu­ti­on is used, a first dis­tri­bu­ti­on list is spe­ci­fied in the do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on. In the first dis­tri­bu­ti­on list, tho­se em­ployees are sel­ec­ted who will re­cei­ve the task for the read-and-un­ders­tood trai­ning af­ter the do­cu­ment is re­leased. In con­nec­tion with the pro­ces­sing of this task, a sub-dis­tri­bu­ti­on op­ti­on is available. The em­ployee can dis­tri­bu­te the do­cu­ment to other em­ployees in con­nec­tion with the read-and-un­ders­tood training.

Do­cu­ment con­trol im­pro­ves the life­cy­cle of do­cu­ments and re­cords by en­su­ring that all do­cu­ments and in­for­ma­ti­on are con­trol­led sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly and ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. A DMS sup­ports the­se pro­ces­ses by or­ga­ni­s­ing the en­ti­re life­cy­cle from the crea­ti­on and ar­chi­ving to the dis­po­sal of do­cu­ments and re­cords. This leads to im­pro­ved do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and seam­less in­te­gra­ti­on into the company’s qua­li­ty management.

Do­cu­ment con­trol is es­sen­ti­al for the ma­nage­ment of in­for­ma­ti­on and ch­an­ges, as it en­su­res that all do­cu­ments and in­for­ma­ti­on are cor­rect­ly do­cu­men­ted and mo­ni­to­red. With a DMS, ch­an­ges and im­portant re­cords can be tra­cked seam­less­ly, which in­crea­ses the qua­li­ty of the in­for­ma­ti­on. This is cru­cial for re­lia­ble qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment and helps the com­pa­ny to en­su­re a high le­vel of ac­cu­ra­cy and con­sis­ten­cy in its processes.

Do­cu­ment con­trol con­tri­bu­tes to the ef­fec­ti­ve ar­chi­ving and ma­nage­ment of do­cu­ments and re­cords by im­ple­men­ting pro­ces­ses that en­su­re the cor­rect hand­ling and sto­rage of all do­cu­ments. A DMS en­ables com­pa­nies to ma­na­ge do­cu­ments and in­for­ma­ti­on cen­tral­ly, which sim­pli­fies ar­chi­ving and ma­nage­ment. This sup­ports do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and en­su­res that all do­cu­ments are cor­rect­ly con­trol­led and available th­roug­hout their en­ti­re lifecycle.

A do­cu­ment is as­si­gned to an aut­hor to whom editing is re­ser­ved. Ho­we­ver, aut­hor­ship can be trans­fer­red to an­o­ther em­ployee so that they can add fur­ther con­tent if necessary.

By me­ans of a num­be­ring sche­me, a uni­que num­ber can be as­si­gned to each do­cu­ment in the dls | eQMS. Hier­ar­chi­cal num­be­ring is also available here, which has an im­pact on the re­lease pro­ces­ses. For ex­am­p­le, an at­tach­ment crea­ted with a hier­ar­chi­cal num­be­ring sys­tem can only be re­leased if the hig­her-le­vel do­cu­ment has been released.

One or more fur­ther ap­pli­ca­ble do­cu­ments and/or at­tach­ments can be as­si­gned to a con­trol­led do­cu­ment. They are lis­ted in the do­cu­ment pro­per­ties and in the pre­view and can also be ac­ces­sed di­rect­ly here.

You can con­fi­gu­re that the aut­hor of a do­cu­ment re­cei­ves a no­ti­fi­ca­ti­on when a fur­ther ap­pli­ca­ble do­cu­ment or at­tach­ment is re­leased in a new version.

With ap­pro­pria­te aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on, an em­ployee can print con­trol­led do­cu­ments. Du­ring con­trol­led prin­ting, the em­ployee sel­ects the ext­ent to which the do­cu­ment should be prin­ted (ad­di­tio­nal pa­ges with au­dit trail in­for­ma­ti­on, elec­tro­nic si­gna­tures etc.). A prin­ting re­ason must be spe­ci­fied and the prin­tout is log­ged in the properties.

If the prin­tout is re­por­ted as returned/destroyed, this is no­ted in the sys­tem using the func­tion ‘Con­fir­ma­ti­on of prin­tout return’.

An elec­tro­nic si­gna­tu­re is im­ple­men­ted for all ac­tions re­qui­ring si­gna­tures (do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on, read-and-un­ders­tood tasks etc.). It meets the re­qui­re­ments of the FDA and the GMP gui­de­lines and re­places the per­so­nal si­gna­tu­re on a prin­ted do­cu­ment. This fea­ture en­ables re­spon­si­ble per­sons to pro­vi­de the ne­ces­sa­ry si­gna­tures even at a di­stance. Each si­gna­tu­re is re­cor­ded in the au­dit trail and prin­ted on an ad­di­tio­nal page with the document.

Con­trol­led do­cu­ments are ma­na­ged in a mi­nor and ma­jor ver­sio­ning. Se­ve­ral pro­ces­sing ver­si­ons can exist if the review/approval/release was re­jec­ted in the do­cu­ment cir­cu­la­ti­on. The aut­hor crea­tes a new pro­ces­sing ver­si­on and re­starts the cir­cu­la­ti­on. All ver­si­ons of a con­trol­led do­cu­ment can be view­ed by aut­ho­ri­sed users. A di­rect do­cu­ment com­pa­ri­son of two ver­si­ons is also available here.

A DMS of­fers num­e­rous ad­van­ta­ges in the con­text of do­cu­ment con­trol by im­pro­ving pro­cess op­ti­mi­sa­ti­on and the ma­nage­ment of do­cu­ments and in­for­ma­ti­on. Elec­tro­nic ar­chi­ving and the cen­tral ma­nage­ment of re­cords enable com­pa­nies to make their do­cu­men­ta­ti­on more ef­fi­ci­ent and trans­pa­rent. A DMS sup­ports tracea­bi­li­ty and qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment by or­ga­ni­s­ing and ma­king ac­ces­si­ble all ch­an­ges and im­portant information.

Ef­fi­ci­ent do­cu­ment con­trol can si­gni­fi­cant­ly im­pro­ve know­ledge and in­for­ma­ti­on wi­thin the com­pa­ny by en­su­ring that all re­le­vant do­cu­ments and in­for­ma­ti­on are cor­rect­ly con­trol­led and do­cu­men­ted. A DMS fa­ci­li­ta­tes ac­cess to im­portant re­cords and in­for­ma­ti­on and stores ch­an­ges in a traceable man­ner. This pro­mo­tes in­ter­nal know­ledge, op­ti­mi­ses pro­ces­ses and im­pro­ves qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment, as all em­ployees al­ways have ac­cess to up-to-date and ac­cu­ra­te information.

Do­cu­ment con­trol plays a key role in the risk ma­nage­ment pro­cess, as it en­su­res that all re­le­vant in­for­ma­ti­on is sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly con­trol­led and cen­tral­ly ad­mi­nis­te­red. Thanks to a cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red pro­cess, all do­cu­men­ted risks are pre­cis­e­ly re­cor­ded and cru­cial in­for­ma­ti­on is made available at all times. This or­ga­nis­ed ma­nage­ment of in­for­ma­ti­on helps to iden­ti­fy po­ten­ti­al risks at an ear­ly stage and in­itia­te ap­pro­pria­te me­a­su­res, ther­eby op­ti­mi­sing over­all risk management.

Quick contact

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Our sa­les team will help you prompt­ly and gladly.

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