
Cus­to­mers trust Di­gi­tal Life Sciences

Year of foundation
Life Sci­en­ces Customers
~ 120
ever­y­day users
~ 48000

The qua­li­ty of our work has many names. The qua­li­ty of our work has many names. In the fol­lo­wing you will find a small ex­cerpt from our cus­to­mer list of about 160 com­pa­nies from va­rious in­dus­tries. We would like to thank our cus­to­mers for their con­fi­dence in us and our solutions.

Cus­to­mer reviews

What do our customers say about us?

Success Stories

Convince yourself!

We don’t tell fairy tales — we tell success stories.

More than 160 cus­to­mers are con­vin­ced and en­thu­si­a­stic about the so­lu­ti­ons of Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces. Ther­eby the co­ope­ra­ti­on and the part­ner­ship re­la­ti­onship is al­ways in the fo­re­ground. Don’t just get soft­ware, be­co­me a part­ner in a team that is al­ways the­re for you.

Find out now how cus­to­mers feel about working together.

Find out now how cus­to­mers feel about working together.


Award as “Top Company 2024”

The em­ploy­er ra­ting plat­form kun­unu ho­no­u­red Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH as a Top Com­pa­ny 2024. The award is gran­ted on the ba­sis of in­de­pen­dent eva­lua­tions by em­ployees on the plat­form. Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces is the­r­e­fo­re one of the com­pa­nies with the grea­test working en­vi­ron­ment in Germany.

At our com­pa­ny, em­ployees not only be­ne­fit from fair pay and a first-class work­place, they also en­joy fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of home of­fice and working time ar­ran­ge­ments. It is vi­tal to us that our em­ployees feel at ease and that their skills and per­so­na­li­ties are en­cou­ra­ged. We are plea­sed to an­noun­ce that, as in the pre­vious year, 100% of the col­le­agues sur­vey­ed re­com­mend us as an em­ploy­er and are proud to be part of our team.

Award as “Growth Champion 2024”

For the fourth time, FOCUS, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with re­se­arch part­ner Sta­tis­ta GmbH, has re­co­g­nis­ed the di­gi­tal life sci­en­ces as a “growth cham­pi­on”.

FOCUS has been pre­sen­ting the fas­test-gro­wing com­pa­nies in Ger­ma­ny in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the mar­ket re­se­arch in­sti­tu­te Sta­tis­ta GmbH for the eighth time in a row sin­ce 2014. Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces is also lis­ted the­re once again for 2024! Abo­ve all, we owe this award to our loy­al cus­to­mers and employees.

Award as “Top employer medium-sized businesses 2024”

Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces award­ed as “Top Em­ploy­er for me­di­um-si­zed com­pa­nies” for the fifth time in a row. Con­firm­ed again: Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces re­cei­ves the co­ve­ted award “Top em­ploy­er for me­di­um-si­zed busi­nesses” and that al­re­a­dy for the fifth time in a row. In its cur­rent is­sue, the re­now­ned FOCUS brand pre­sen­ted the top em­ploy­ers of me­di­um-si­zed com­pa­nies for the year 2024, thus ho­no­ring the ex­tra­or­di­na­ry ef­forts of the soft­ware com­pa­ny ba­sed in Gescher.

Award as “Employer of the Future”

Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH was ho­no­red with the “Em­ploy­er of the Fu­ture” award by the Ger­man In­no­va­ti­on In­sti­tu­te for Sus­taina­bi­li­ty and Di­gi­ta­liza­ti­on (DIND). The seal not only con­firms the company’s qua­li­ties to its work­force, but also plays a si­gni­fi­cant role in em­ployee iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, mo­ti­va­ti­on and retention.

As an em­ploy­er of the fu­ture, Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces pres­ents its­elf as mo­dern and di­gi­tal, al­ways loo­king for in­no­va­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons and of­fe­ring mo­dern working con­di­ti­ons.


GMP-Verlag Peither

Thi­lo Gu­kel­ber­ger and Dr. Den­nis Sand­küh­ler wri­te for the GMP-BERATER of the pu­bli­shing house GMP-Ver­lag Peit­her. The GMP com­pli­ance ad­vi­ser is the stan­dard re­fe­rence work on GMP in Ger­man-spea­king count­ries. More in­for­ma­ti­on you will find here: Pu­bli­ca­ti­ons in the GMP com­pli­ance adviser:
Aut­hor Thi­lo Gukelberger Aut­hor Dr. Den­nis Sandkühler GMP com­pli­ance adviser


The Ger­man lan­guage spe­cia­list jour­nal phar­mind is re­now­ned for its ex­clu­si­ve pro­fes­sio­nal con­tri­bu­ti­ons and ori­gi­nal works crea­ted by es­tab­lished aut­hors and sel­ec­ted by a re­dac­tion­al com­mit­tee in a re­view pro­ce­du­re, thus se­cu­ring a high qua­li­ty. The re­sul­ting scope of to­pics is as va­ried and uni­que as the in­dus­try its­elf. In is­sue 06/2019 of the trade jour­nal phar­mind, Thi­lo Gu­kel­ber­ger, ma­na­ging part­ner of Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH, has again pu­blished an in­te­res­t­ing ar­tic­le, this time on the to­pic “IT sys­tems to sup­port the plan­ning and exe­cu­ti­on of em­ployee training”. 

Let us introduce ourselves in a minute.

Dis­co­ver the peo­p­le be­hind the success.

Employees work flexibly on a mind map