Batch documentation software

Software for your batch documentation

Sup­port the ma­nage­ment of your do­cu­ments by me­ans of a batch-ori­en­ted scan­ning pro­cess in which me­ta­da­ta is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ad­opted for the scan­ned do­cu­ment. Mo­reo­ver, you are al­ways on the safe side thanks to the un­al­tera­ble elec­tro­nic sto­rage in ac­cordance with the re­ten­ti­on pe­ri­ods sti­pu­la­ted by the re­gu­la­to­ry aut­ho­ri­ties. Fi­nal­ly, you can op­tio­nal­ly main­tain your batch record. 

How do you benefit from the Batch Documentation software?

Di­gi­tal management 

Save your sto­rage space for pa­per in the fu­ture by ma­na­ging ever­y­thing com­ple­te­ly di­gi­tal­ly from now on. 

Mo­bi­le release 

The QP re­leases your batch do­cu­men­ta­ti­on while on the move. 

In­creased data security 

Pro­tect your data from un­wan­ted in­ter­fe­rence by un­aut­ho­ri­zed users and from de­s­truc­ti­ve forces. 

In­di­vi­du­al configuration 

Let the mo­du­les be con­fi­gu­red ac­cor­ding to your wis­hes and pre­fe­ren­ces to fa­ci­li­ta­te the on­boar­ding trai­ning for your colleagues. 

Fo­cus on core business 

Thanks to an elec­tro­nic si­gna­tu­re, ma­nu­al­ly trans­port­ing of the batch re­cord is no lon­ger necessary. 


Keep an over­view of all aut­ho­ri­zed em­ployees on all batch do­cu­ments — even while on the road. 

Bund­led information 

The au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ge­ne­ra­ted batch re­cord shows you all in­for­ma­ti­on at a glan­ce — in­clu­ding CA­PAs or batch-re­le­vant e‑mails.

Con­stant availability 

Ac­cess your data at any time. It does not mat­ter whe­re you are. 

Digitise your processes for greater efficiency

Here are some features of the batch documentation

Regulatory requirements for Batch Documentation

EU GMP Gui­de­line Part 2, Sec­tion 16 

33 Good reasons for a cooperation with Digital LS

You’re not con­vin­ced yet? You’re not con­vin­ced yet? Find out about 33 good re­asons spea­king for a co­ope­ra­ti­on with Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH. We will show you re­asons from the provider’s point of view, from the soft­ware point of view and other ge­ne­ral re­asons that di­stin­gu­ish us. 

Customer review

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The Batch do­cu­men­ta­ti­on is a com­po­nent of the Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­on suite. Each pro­duct is powerful on its own, but when used tog­e­ther they are even better.

Emblem for the software solution Document Control

Document Control software

Whe­ther work / pro­cess in­s­truc­tions (SOPs), pro­cess de­scrip­ti­ons, test spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons or other ty­pes of do­cu­ments — you can crea­te, re­vi­se and sign them all di­gi­tal­ly with the do­cu­ment con­trol software.

Emblem for the training management software solution

Training Management software

Ex­tend the “Do­cu­ment Con­trol” mo­du­le to ac­tively plan and re­cord the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons of your em­ployees with our trai­ning ma­nage­ment software.

Emblem for the QM Processes software solution

QM process (Complaint | DC | CAPA | CC)

Di­gi­ta­li­ze your ISO pro­ces­ses. Con­trol your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted QM pro­ces­ses using di­gi­tal workflows.

Quick contact

Do you have a ques­ti­on about Batch do­cu­men­ta­ti­on?
Our sa­les team will help you prompt­ly and gladly.