Complaint management

Definition of the term („What is a complaint?“) 

A com­plaint ma­nage­ment in­cludes all me­a­su­res ta­ken by a com­pa­ny to pro­cess cus­to­mer com­plaints about the company’s per­for­mance. The em­pha­sis lies on the cus­to­mer sa­tis­fac­tion which is to be main­tai­ned de­spi­te the ne­ga­ti­ve cus­to­mer experience.

Com­plaint ma­nage­ment fo­cu­ses on the ex­pres­si­on of com­plaints, which can be ex­ten­ded to other are­as such as prai­se, fol­low-up com­plaints, sug­ges­ti­ons for im­pro­ve­ment or enquiries.

Benefits of complaint management 

An ac­ti­ve com­plaint ma­nage­ment is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the fact that it re­pres­ents the strength and we­ak­ne­s­ses of a com­pa­ny as seen from a customer’s point of view. This in­cludes, for ex­am­p­le, ser­vice or pro­duc­tion de­fects as well as er­rors by employees.

Mo­reo­ver, com­plaint ma­nage­ment has the fol­lo­wing advantages:

  • Cus­to­mer loyalty
  • Brand re­pu­ta­ti­on
  • Ope­ra­ti­ve efficiency
  • Im­pro­ved communication
  • Easy im­ple­men­ta­ti­on
  • Con­ti­nuous improvement
  • In­cre­asing ser­vice quality
  • Pre­ven­ti­on of er­rors and fol­low-up errors

Discover the suitable software for your complaints

Con­trol your pro­duc­tion-re­la­ted QM pro­ces­ses such as com­plaints with our di­gi­tal work­flows. Our in­te­gra­ted so­lu­ti­ons ma­na­ge your pre­vious­ly pa­per-bound pro­cess from cap­tu­re to com­ple­ti­on com­ple­te­ly di­gi­tal­ly. Con­form to ISO stan­dards, EU-GMP, FDA CFR & more.

Live insight into the GxP-compliant document management system of Digital Life Sciences

What is the difference between complaint management and grievance management?

Ty­pi­cal­ly, the­se terms are used syn­ony­mously on a dai­ly ba­sis. Ho­we­ver, a si­gni­fi­cant dif­fe­rence exists:

On the one hand, com­plaint ma­nage­ment deals with re­cla­ma­ti­ons di­rect­ly re­la­ting to a pro­duct or ser­vice. Mo­reo­ver, it in­cludes a le­gal cla­im to re­me­dy, if the ser­vice or pro­duct de­via­tes from the specifications.

On the other hand, grie­van­ce ma­nage­ment deals with ne­ga­ti­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons bet­ween you and your cus­to­mers which are to be sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly ana­ly­zed ac­cor­ding to EN ISO 9001. Mo­reo­ver, the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons also pro­vi­de a chan­ce to im­pro­ve the pro­cess and pro­duct qua­li­ty and in­crease the cus­to­mer orientation.

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