Events you should not miss in 2022

Events you should not miss in 2022 - Digital Life Sciences

In 2022, we are try­ing to par­ti­ci­pa­te in and im­ple­ment phy­si­cal events for the first time sin­ce the be­gin­ning of the Co­ro­na pandemic.

From May 24 to 25, 2022, we cor­di­al­ly in­vi­te our cus­to­mers and in­te­res­ted par­ties to our user mee­ting. The an­nu­al fo­rum for the ex­ch­an­ge of ide­as and ex­pe­ri­en­ces en­ables you to be­ne­fit from the ex­pe­ri­en­ces shared by other users and to get a bet­ter un­der­stan­ding of the soft­ware so­lu­ti­ons by Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces. You can find out how to par­ti­ci­pa­te by cli­cking the but­ton below:

From 01 to 03 No­vem­ber 2022, tog­e­ther with our cus­to­mer Wie­wel­ho­ve, we will again par­ti­ci­pa­te in the world’s lar­gest phar­maceu­ti­cal trade fair, which will again be held in Frank­furt in 2022. Each year, CPhI brings tog­e­ther more than 100,000 phar­maceu­ti­cal pro­fes­sio­nals at trade shows, con­fe­ren­ces and on­line com­mu­ni­ties to net­work, iden­ti­fy busi­ness op­por­tu­ni­ties and ex­pand the glo­bal mar­ket­place. CPhI part­ners with ICSE for con­tract ser­vices, P MEC for ma­chi­nery, equip­ment and tech­no­lo­gy, Inn­o­Pack for phar­maceu­ti­cal pack­a­ging, Bio­LI­VE for bio­phar­ma and EVS for all aspects of the fi­nis­hed sup­p­ly chain.

We cor­di­al­ly in­vi­te you to par­ti­ci­pa­te in our user mee­ting. Feel free to re­gis­ter for this using the but­ton abo­ve. You are also wel­co­me to vi­sit us at CPhI 2022 in Frank­furt. Here you can al­re­a­dy make an ap­point­ment with us today.

If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se do not he­si­ta­te to cont­act us.

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Welcome - Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager at Digital Life Sciences

Welcome — Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager

We are plea­sed to in­tro­du­ce our new col­le­ague Flo­ri­an Rehr­mann. Flo­ri­an joi­n­ed our team as Ac­count Ma­na­ger on Sep­tem­ber 2, 2024. With his ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in

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