Digital Life Sciences donates for the flood disaster Germany

Digital Life Sciences donates for the flood disaster Germany

As in pre­vious ye­ars, this year we are once again sup­port­ing a non-pro­fit or­ga­niza­ti­on who­se is­sue is clo­se to our he­arts. This year we sup­port the flood dis­as­ter me­a­su­res of “Ak­ti­on Deutsch­land Hilft”.

How does “Ak­ti­on Deutsch­land Hilft” pro­vi­de sup­port?
Sin­ce day one of the flood dis­as­ter, the aid or­ga­niza­ti­ons of the “Ak­ti­on Deutsch­land Hilft” al­li­ance have been sup­port­ing tho­se af­fec­ted on the ground. Hel­pers are do­ing a gre­at job: the main cha­os has been cle­ared, roads are pas­sa­ble again and re­con­s­truc­tion is ta­king off. Fa­mi­lies are housed in a safe place ser­ving as a tem­po­ra­ry home. But we can­not yet speak of normality.

What are the next steps in the flood dis­as­ter are­as?
The win­ter aid ta­kes off: In this pro­cess, the al­li­ance of “Ak­ti­on Deutsch­land Hilft” fi­nan­ces mo­bi­le ho­mes for fa­mi­lies in need of tem­po­ra­ry ac­com­mo­da­ti­on. Among other me­a­su­res, so­lar-powered street­lights, tem­po­ra­ry power dis­tri­bu­ti­on bo­xes and wa­ter cis­terns are installed.

I mys­elf grew up in the Ei­fel and still have fa­mi­ly and fri­ends the­re. Even 5 months af­ter the flood dis­as­ter, not all ma­te­ri­al da­ma­ge has been re­pai­red — not to men­ti­on the per­so­nal suf­fe­ring that many peo­p­le in the af­fec­ted are­as had to and still have to en­du­re. The­r­e­fo­re, it is a mat­ter clo­se to my he­art to sup­port the lo­cal peo­p­le at least with a ma­te­ri­al con­tri­bu­ti­on”, says Thi­lo Gu­kel­ber­ger, Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor of Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH.

With this in mind, we are once again fo­re­go­ing pres­ents and cards for our busi­ness part­ners this year and in­s­tead are sup­port­ing “Ak­ti­on Deutsch­land Hilft”.

We wish all our busi­ness part­ners he­alth, hap­pi­ness and peace for 2022 — in short, a good year both pri­va­te­ly and professionally.

Your team of Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH

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