Visit us at the LOUNGES 2020 in Karlsruhe

Training management meets eLearning

Tog­e­ther with our part­ner, PTS Trai­ning Ser­vice, we will be gi­ving a pre­sen­ta­ti­on at the LOUNGES trade fair in Karls­ru­he in ear­ly 2020.

29.01.20 – 3:00 p.m. | Ses­si­on 89 – Room 9
Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment meets eLearning

Re­gu­la­to­ry re­qui­re­ments for the training

Trai­nings: plan­ning, do­cu­men­ta­ti­on, implementation

What were trai­nings like in the past?

How will trai­nings evol­ve in the di­gi­tal age?

Plan­ning and do­cu­men­ting staff trai­nings are espe­ci­al­ly time-con­sum­ing with re­gard to GxP com­pli­ance. IT sys­tems can take over rou­ti­ne tasks. Di­gi­tiza­ti­on also evol­ves in this sec­tor. What can you ex­pect from a mo­dern IT so­lu­ti­on for em­ployee qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on? How do learn and qua­li­fy in the di­gi­tal age? This pre­sen­ta­ti­on pro­vi­des ide­as and sug­ges­ti­ons for pos­si­ble solutions.

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