After we had to switch to digital alternatives during the “forced Corona break” for two years, the user meeting 2022 could finally take place physically again — and with great success! We again relied on our accustomed venue, the Event Hotel Beverland in Ostbevern. The ambience as well as the raffle of the themed rooms were very well received by the approximately 35 participating companies. Thus, the participants were again provided with a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere for a constructive exchange of ideas, thoughts and experiences.
In addition to the general exchange, participants had the opportunity to attend supervised sessions/topic tables as a basis for discussion and to ask specific questions. In addition, the participants enjoyed various guest lectures in which they could benefit, for example, from the experience and implementation of a customer or from current topics. The evening reception around the outdoor pool, an evening program and first-class catering rounded off the two days of the Forum.
The slide sets of the presentations given at the user meeting are available for download. To download them, simply log in to the customer portal or register under You will then receive your access data immediately. The documents for the user meeting can be found in the “Marketing documents” section.
The entire Digital Life Sciences GmbH would like to thank all customers and interested parties for their participation as well as all supporters in the context of the User Meeting 2022. We look forward to welcoming you again next year.