Update Training & User Meeting 2020

News image for Covid-19

Dear Ma­dam or Sir,

we ac­tively mo­ni­tor the cur­rent de­ve­lo­p­ment of the co­ro­na­vi­rus epi­de­mic and take ap­pro­pria­te pro­tec­ti­ve measures.

The he­alth of our cus­to­mers and col­le­agues is very im­portant to us and we take our so­cial re­spon­si­bi­li­ty as a com­pa­ny very se­rious­ly. To our re­g­ret, we have thus de­ci­ded not to hold any fur­ther events or mee­tings in the co­ming weeks. This way, we want to make our con­tri­bu­ti­on to the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on and con­tain or slow down the spread of the vi­rus as much as possible.

For this re­ason, we con­sider it ne­ces­sa­ry and re­asonable to can­cel the plan­ned events:

  • Trai­ning dls | eQMS Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on & Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on from 04.05. – 05.05.2020 in Gescher
  • User Mee­ting 2020 from 19.05. – 20.05.2020 in Ost­be­vern.

As a re­sult, all room re­ser­va­tions have also been can­cel­led. The cos­ts of the can­cel­la­ti­on will of cour­se be bor­ne by Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH as the organizer.

The can­cel­la­ti­on of the events is re­g­rettable for both you and us, but un­fort­u­na­te­ly un­avo­ida­ble due to the cur­rent situation.

We hope for your un­der­stan­ding. Plea­se be assu­red that we are al­re­a­dy thin­king about pos­si­ble al­ter­na­ti­ves and will cont­act you again in due cour­se. We are also working hard to crea­te an on­line al­ter­na­ti­ve in the fu­ture, for ex­am­p­le with re­gard to trai­ning. Due to the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on, ho­we­ver, this is not fe­a­si­ble by May.

We wish you all the best du­ring this time and stay healthy!

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