Changes in Windows

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Up­co­ming ch­an­ges make ad­jus­t­ments necessary

Do you use an LDAP cli­ent, for ex­am­p­le d.ecs iden­ti­ty pro­vi­der or d.3 server?

Do you use LDAP to ac­cess your applications?

Then the up­co­ming ch­an­ge in Mi­cro­soft Win­dows af­fects you!

In the se­cond half of 2020, Mi­cro­soft will re­lease a Win­dows up­date that will en­force se­cu­re com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on bet­ween LDAP cli­ent and AD con­trol­ler. Mi­cro­soft will ch­an­ge the pre­vious stan­dard be­ha­vi­or. As a re­sult, un­se­cu­re con­nec­tion re­quests will be rejected.

What this me­ans for you and what you have to do can be found out in the ser­vice portal.

If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se cont­act your pro­ject ma­na­ger or sup­port.

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