Trade fair “Lounges”: Positive feedback to e‑learning

Managing Director Thilo Gukelberger gives a presentation on the subject of eLearning at the Lounges trade fair

More than 200 ex­hi­bi­tors and more than 7,000 vi­si­tors met at the Karls­ru­he Ex­hi­bi­ti­on Cent­re from , 28–30 Ja­nu­ary 2020.

The “Loun­ges” pre­sen­ted its­elf with new to­pics, in­no­va­ti­ve trends, and an ex­tre­me­ly in­te­res­t­ing agen­da and a new world of experiences.

The high­lights in­cluded the fol­lo­wing themes

  • In­dus­try 4.0 – Phar­ma 4.0 – Clean room 4.0
  • Di­gi­tiza­ti­on and au­to­ma­ti­on of processes
  • AI in the re­gu­la­ted sector
  • New gui­de­lines and norms
  • Sus­taina­bi­li­ty

It pre­sen­ted vir­tu­al words and clas­sic pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, sup­ple­men­ted by ac­tions, pro­ject pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and a new trai­ning zone. The num­e­rous vi­si­tors got the money’s worth and and find tar­ge­ted in­for­ma­ti­on in the va­rie­ty of op­ti­ons provided.

We had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to give one of the­se pre­sen­ta­ti­ons titled Trai­ning ma­nage­ment meets eLear­ning in co­ope­ra­ti­on with our part­ner PTS Trai­ning Ser­vice. The au­di­ence show­ed their in­te­rest and and an ex­tre­me­ly po­si­ti­ve re­so­nan­ce for e‑learning. Im­me­dia­te­ly af­ter our pre­sen­ta­ti­on and du­ring the fair, we were able to hold ex­ci­ting dis­cus­sions with in­te­res­ted parties.

We thank the PTS for their sup­port on the “Loun­ges”. Mo­reo­ver, we want to thank all cont­act part­ners for the trust and time in­ves­ted in us.

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