Digitization – even more urgent now

Representation of a man who accesses the document management system of Digital Life Sciences with a notebook while outdoors

The spread of the Co­ro­na Vi­rus Sars-CoV2 / Co­vid-19 has now also re­a­ched Ger­ma­ny. The vi­rus af­fects our eco­no­mic ac­ti­vi­ties to an un­pre­ce­den­ted ext­ent. Trade fair ap­pearan­ces and con­gres­ses are can­cel­led. In ad­di­ti­on, many fa­ci­li­ties have eit­her been com­ple­te­ly clo­sed or are now sub­ject to strict re­gu­la­ti­ons in or­der to slow down new in­fec­tions by the vi­rus as much as possible.

As a re­sult, the­re is an in­cre­asing num­ber of ru­les of con­duct for the work­force. The­se in­clude the avo­id­ance of out­side ap­point­ments, the clo­sure of can­teens and the spa­ti­al re­ar­ran­ge­ment of work­places to en­su­re a mi­ni­mum pro­tec­ti­ve distance.

Many com­pa­nies are now faced with the in­cre­asing­ly ur­gent need to find ways of in­te­gra­ting qua­ran­ti­ned em­ployees into the work pro­cess. De­pen­ding on the job pro­files, em­ployees can com­ple­te their tasks from their home of­fice. Ho­we­ver, cer­tain tech­ni­cal re­qui­re­ments must be met here. Ob­vious­ly, this also ap­pli­es to em­ployees who are not yet af­fec­ted and who should work from home as a pre­cau­tio­na­ry measure.

As a re­sult, the di­gi­tiza­ti­on of workspaces the eco­no­my cea­sed to be an abs­tract, pro­pa­ga­ted re­qui­re­ment of busi­ness evan­ge­lists. In­s­tead, it is a ac­tu­al ba­sis for com­pa­nies of all si­zes to be pre­pared for times like the­se and to con­tain the eco­no­mic da­ma­ge as much as pos­si­ble. Talks we have had with our cus­to­mers in re­cent days con­firm how useful di­gi­ta­liza­ti­on pro­ves to be, espe­ci­al­ly with Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces so­lu­ti­ons. In the last few days, we have di­gi­ti­zed one or the other pro­cess at the customer’s site in no time at all, so that the customer’s ope­ra­ti­ons can continue.

We as Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces also felt ob­li­ged to take me­a­su­res to pre­vent the dan­gers of in­fec­tion and spread of the co­ro­na vi­rus as best we could. This is why we have or­de­red al­most all our col­le­agues to work from their home of­fices. By using our full-fea­tured do­cu­ment ma­nage­ment sys­tem, we can con­ti­nue to ac­cess all data and con­trol di­gi­tal col­la­bo­ra­ti­on using our workflows.

If you are plan­ning to start di­gi­tiz­ing your pro­ces­ses, you are wel­co­me to lea­ve a mes­sa­ge. We would be plea­sed to dis­cuss the available op­ti­ons with you in­clu­ding, if ne­ces­sa­ry, a par­ti­al and fast di­gi­tiza­ti­on of the most im­portant processes.

The he­alth of an­yo­ne in­vol­ved is the main fo­cus. Plea­se con­ti­nue to stay he­alt­hy. In this way, we all hope to get th­rough the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on as quick­ly as pos­si­ble and unscathed.

With di­gi­tal greetings
Your team of Di­gi­tal Life Sciences

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Welcome - Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager at Digital Life Sciences

Welcome — Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager

We are plea­sed to in­tro­du­ce our new col­le­ague Flo­ri­an Rehr­mann. Flo­ri­an joi­n­ed our team as Ac­count Ma­na­ger on Sep­tem­ber 2, 2024. With his ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in

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