The Digital Life Sciences on the MedTecLive – a great success!

Presentation of the booth and various impressions of Digital Life Sciences at the MedtecLIVE

Sin­ce 2018 we in­cre­asing­ly fo­cus our ser­vices on the re­qui­re­ments of our cus­to­mers pro­du­cing me­di­cal de­vices. Ac­cor­din­gly, we re­leased a new mo­du­le to crea­te and up­date tech­ni­cal do­cu­men­ta­ti­on as part of the re­vi­sed re­qui­re­ments of the Me­di­cal De­vice Re­gu­la­ti­on (MDR) in ear­ly 2019. This fo­cus even­tual­ly had the ef­fect that we par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the Med­te­cLI­VE in Nurem­berg as an ex­hi­bi­tor with our own stall.

The Med­te­cLi­ve was sup­po­sed to be­co­me the se­cond lar­gest mee­ting for the me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gy and its sup­pli­ers in Eu­ro­pe. And this work­ed out ex­cep­tio­nal­ly well: The event com­bi­ning Med­te­cLI­VE and Med­Tech Sum­mit from May 21. to May 23. brought 4,573 ex­perts from 50 count­ries to the Ex­hi­bi­ti­on Cent­re in Nuremberg.

A to­tal of 402 ex­hi­bi­tors from 30 count­ries pre­sen­ted their ser­vices and pro­ducts. Half of the 402 ex­hi­bi­ting en­ter­pri­ses came from ab­road, pre­do­mi­nant­ly from Eu­ro­pe but also in­clu­ding the USA, Chi­na and Sin­ga­po­re. Espe­ci­al­ly the clear in­ter­na­tio­nal ori­en­ta­ti­on of the Med­te­cLI­VE made the spe­cia­list fair an at­trac­ti­ve mee­ting point way bey­ond the lo­cal mar­ket: Mar­ket op­por­tu­ni­ties and in­ter­na­tio­nal mar­ket ent­ry stra­te­gies were a po­pu­lar sub­ject also re­flec­ted in the fo­rums of the trade fair.

The Tech­ni­cal Do­cu­men­ta­ti­on mo­du­le could be suc­cessful­ly pre­sen­ted to a broad ex­pert au­di­ence on or own stall, via the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Med­Tech Fo­rum as well as on the Med­Tech Sum­mit. We ma­na­ged to thrill our au­di­ence, crea­te many new leads and had very in­te­res­t­ing stra­te­gic conversations.

We at Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces would like to thank all in­te­res­ted par­ties for their time and look for­ward to fur­ther de­tail­ed discussions.

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Welcome - Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager at Digital Life Sciences

Welcome — Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager

We are plea­sed to in­tro­du­ce our new col­le­ague Flo­ri­an Rehr­mann. Flo­ri­an joi­n­ed our team as Ac­count Ma­na­ger on Sep­tem­ber 2, 2024. With his ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in

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