New year – new trade fairs!

Illustration of two tiles in which the planned trade fairs of Digital Life Sciences are presented. This includes the MedtecLive as well as the CPhI World

In 2019, we will ap­pear on two im­portant ex­pert trade fairs for the first time.

From May 21 to 23, 2019 you will find us with our stand at the Med­te­cLi­ve in Nurem­berg, THE event for me­di­cal tech­no­lo­gy. Your stand is lo­ca­ted in hall 9, stand 9–209.

From No­vem­ber 05 to 07, we will join our cus­to­mer Wie­wel­ho­ve on the world’s lar­gest phar­ma fair, the CPhI. This will take place in Frank­furt. The CPhi brings tog­e­ther more than 100,000 phar­ma ex­perts every year.

We kind­ly in­vi­te you to vi­sit us at the re­spec­ti­ve ex­hi­bi­ti­on stands. To do so, make an ap­point­ment with us, now. We are plea­sed to of­fer you ti­ckets for the Med­te­cLi­ve for free. Sim­ply send a brief mail and make an appointment.

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Digital Life Sciences ist Wachstumschampion 2025

Digital Life Sciences is Growth Champion 2025

We are de­ligh­ted to have been re­co­g­nis­ed as Growth Cham­pi­on 2025 and to once again be among the TOP 500 fas­­test-gro­­wing com­pa­nies in Ger­ma­ny. This

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