Visit us at the CPhI 2022

Visit us at the CPhI 2022 in Frankfurt

From No­vem­ber 1 to 3, 2022, we will once again be re­pre­sen­ted as an ex­hi­bi­tor at the world’s lar­gest phar­maceu­ti­cal trade fair, the CPhI, tog­e­ther with our cus­to­mer, Wie­wel­ho­ve GmbH. As in 2019, this will again take place in Frank­furt. Each year, CPhI brings tog­e­ther more than 100,000 phar­maceu­ti­cal pro­fes­sio­nals at trade fairs, con­fe­ren­ces and on­line com­mu­ni­ties to net­work and iden­ti­fy busi­ness op­por­tu­ni­ties for their companies.

We in­vi­te you to vi­sit us at our stand no. 90H72. It is best to make an ap­point­ment with us di­rect­ly. Plea­se feel free to cont­act us by e‑mail or phone.

You can get an im­pres­si­on of our last par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on at CPhI here:

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Digital Life Sciences ist Wachstumschampion 2025

Digital Life Sciences is Growth Champion 2025

We are de­ligh­ted to have been re­co­g­nis­ed as Growth Cham­pi­on 2025 and to once again be among the TOP 500 fas­­test-gro­­wing com­pa­nies in Ger­ma­ny. This

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