The qualification matrix as a component of training management

We are your cont­act for GxP-com­pli­ant do­cu­men­ta­ti­on so­lu­ti­ons  . Our team of­fers you high-qua­li­ty so­lu­ti­ons for the plan­ning, do­cu­men­ta­ti­on and qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of your em­ployees in the di­gi­tal sec­tor.  Trai­ning Ma­nage­ment sup­ports you in the con­ti­nuous elec­tro­nic ma­nage­ment of your em­ployees’ qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vels, whe­ther for do­cu­ment-ba­sed trai­ning or ex­ter­nal fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on or ad­van­ced trai­nings. With us you no lon­ger have to re­sort to time-con­sum­ing Ex­cel lists with ma­nu­al pro­ces­sing. The qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix of­fers com­ple­te­ly new pos­si­bi­li­ties and is our so­lu­ti­on for the best per­for­mance you can use in trai­ning ma­nage­ment. This way you can keep an op­ti­mal over­view of your per­son­nel de­ve­lo­p­ment and do­cu­ment it digitally.

Our ex­perts are hap­py to ad­vi­se you per­so­nal­ly and make re­com­men­da­ti­ons ide­al­ly tail­o­red to your com­pa­ny. See for yours­elf now and opt for in­no­va­ti­ve de­tails that save ple­nty of time, cos­ts and ma­nu­al effort.

Find out here what ad­van­ta­ges and op­por­tu­ni­ties our di­gi­tal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix, also cal­led com­pe­tence ma­trix, of­fers you.

Your advantages with the Digital Life Sciences GmbH qualification matrix

What are the be­ne­fits of our trai­ning ma­nage­ment so­lu­ti­on and the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on matrix?

You be­ne­fit from a com­pre­hen­si­ve so­lu­ti­on ma­king ma­nu­al work with Ex­cel ta­bles ob­so­le­te. The clear vi­sua­li­sa­ti­on shows you exact­ly which em­ployees are trai­ned for the cor­re­spon­ding job. You be­ne­fit from the sto­rage of the pro­ofs, which are ea­si­ly re­trie­va­ble wi­t­hout a time-con­sum­ing search. All re­le­vant in­for­ma­ti­on can con­ve­ni­ent­ly be view­ed and do­cu­men­ted digitally.

You can ea­si­ly ana­ly­se the cur­rent trai­ning sta­tus ba­sed on a do­cu­ment, the em­ployee or a qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on pro­fi­le. With the seam­less in­te­gra­ti­on of our trai­ning ma­nage­ment into the Do­cu­ment Con­trol , the re­lease of a new re­vi­si­on of do­cu­ments is au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly lin­ked to the as­so­cia­ted trai­ning tasks. Our con­cept is an in­no­va­ti­on in trai­ning ma­nage­ment with a po­si­ti­ve ef­fect on lear­ning suc­cess and the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on of em­ployee training.

We would be plea­sed to ex­plain our so­lu­ti­on in de­tail and show you what your per­so­nal be­ne­fit with our qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix as a full ser­vice so­lu­ti­on could be.

  • Do­cu­ment and face-to-face trai­nings as well as ex­ter­nal trai­nings are ful­ly supported.
  • Add ques­ti­on ca­ta­lo­gues or mul­ti­ple choice tests to your trai­ning courses.
  • The in­ter­val of plan­ned re­pe­ti­ti­ons is free­ly configurable.
  • Trai­ning sheets and par­ti­ci­pant lists are crea­ted automatically.
  • All re­le­vant do­cu­ments are de­li­ver­ed au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly when chan­ging departments.

Sin­ce 2007, we have been the cont­act for pro­fes­sio­nal and va­li­da­ted di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on so­lu­ti­ons. Even to­day, the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on of trai­ning cour­ses and the track­ing of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vels is still of­ten done ma­nu­al­ly in many com­pa­nies. This re­qui­res a lot of time in plan­ning, crea­ting and ana­ly­sing your qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on levels.

With us, the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix, also cal­led com­pe­tence ma­trix, be­co­mes an im­portant in­stru­ment. It pro­vi­des you with trans­pa­ren­cy and sup­ports you in de­ter­mi­ning the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on re­qui­re­ments for trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on. In­s­tead of che­cking each in­di­vi­du­al em­ployee using the in­di­vi­du­al data trans­fer­red to a ta­ble, you get a com­ple­te over­view at first glan­ce. This en­ables you to bet­ter plan and ma­na­ge your em­ployees and their skills.

Professional planning of training requirements — training management offers advantages

What is the le­vel of know­ledge of the in­di­vi­du­al em­ployees? What in­crease in com­pe­ten­ces has been ob­ser­ved sin­ce the last trai­ning? What about the cur­rent le­vel of know­ledge in the con­text of a trai­ning cour­se? Which part of your staff is eli­gi­ble for a par­ti­cu­lar trai­ning or measure?

You will get ans­wers to the­se and other ques­ti­ons if you take ad­van­ta­ge of the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix. To

  • plan fur­ther trainings,
  • de­ter­mi­ne the rhythm of mul­ti­ple-choice tests
  • or fur­ther trai­ning courses
  • and de­ploy em­ployees cor­rect­ly on the ba­sis of their qualifications

your know­ledge of the cur­rent qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vel is decisive.

Cont­act us if you are in­te­res­ted in a com­pre­hen­si­ve so­lu­ti­on and would like to ap­p­ly the com­pe­tence ma­trix in your com­pa­ny. We would be plea­sed to ex­plain to you in a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on which po­si­ti­ve ef­fects our pro­duct will have on your company.

Digitalise the qualification matrix

The qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix is a very ef­fec­ti­ve in­stru­ment for uni­form­ly re­cor­ding the ac­ti­vi­ty-re­la­ted qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on le­vel of em­ployees. It vi­sua­li­ses the cur­rent le­vel of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of the em­ployees and can be a useful sup­port in per­son­nel plan­ning. Mo­reo­ver, the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix is a hel­pful in­stru­ment in per­son­nel de­ve­lo­p­ment — ba­sed on their pre­vious re­sults, em­ployees can be (fur­ther) qua­li­fied sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly ac­cor­ding to their needs.

The qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on ma­trix of­fers its­elf as a so­lu­ti­on whe­re­ver se­ve­ral peo­p­le car­ry out the same ac­ti­vi­ties. We pro­vi­de a di­gi­tal so­lu­ti­on that com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly sup­ports you. If you have any ques­ti­ons, we’d be plea­sed to give a de­tail­ed consultation.

Would you like to use a pro­fes­sio­nal so­lu­ti­on for your trai­nings and ma­na­ge the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons of your em­ployees? Cont­act us and get in touch with our ex­perts who will give you com­pre­hen­si­ve advice.

Are you looking for a solution for your training measures?

Then take a look at our so­lu­ti­on now

Illustration of a notebook on which the training management of Digital Life Sciences is mapped