Release of dls | software suite 3.0
It is with great pleasure that we can inform you that the highly requested major update (version 3.0) has been officially released on 08/31/2023.
The version 3.0 of the dls | software suite is not just a simple “update”, but contains many new features, performance improvements, as well as a modern and fresh interface design. One of the most important new features is the extended range of functions in the module “Training Management”. Some highlights should already give you a first overview at this point:
- Versioning of qualification profiles
- Automatic generation of training certificates
- Many other options for the analysis of qualifications
In addition to the extended range of functions, the version also contains many optimizations in the underlying technology. Data management has been redesigned and is already based on the new engamp® platform. Thus, with the update to version 3.0 you already take a big step forward into our new technological basis.
A detailed overview of these and other new features of the version is provided in the „Version 3.0 info sheet“, which can be downloaded from the customer portal .
Of course, your accustomed contact persons from the project team will be happy to provide you with further information.
Not a customer yet? Then contact our sales team and arrange a no-obligation consultation to learn more about us and our products!
1. public engamp® review
We invite you to the 1st public engamp® review!
As promised at the user meeting in May 2023, we would like to regularly share the current development status of the new engamp® product line with you.
On September 28, 2023, the first engamp® review will take place online.
Look forward to exciting insights and be the first to find out what the new software solutions have to offer and what the current development status is.
In addition, you will get an outlook on the next sprints as well as on the current roadmap.
Moreover, you will have the opportunity to share your suggestions and ideas. We are particularly anxious to receive your feedback, which we would also like to incorporate into further developments.
If you are interested, please write an email to and you will receive the access data for the meeting and will also be automatically invited to subsequent reviews.