News in our team: Welcome to our new trainees and employees!

Neuigkeiten im Team: Herzlich willkommen an unsere neuen Auszubildenden und Mitarbeiter!

We are de­ligh­ted to wel­co­me se­ve­ral new team mem­bers this month. We would like to give you the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know them:

Da­nell Schulz (1st from left) has star­ted his trai­ning as an IT spe­cia­list spe­cia­li­sing in sys­tem in­te­gra­ti­on. In the up­co­ming ye­ars, Da­nell will ac­qui­re ex­ten­si­ve know­ledge in the plan­ning, in­stal­la­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of IT sys­tems, and sup­port our team in the field of sys­tem integration.

Ma­this Kap­pel­hoff (3rd from left) starts his trai­ning as an IT Busi­ness Ad­mi­nis­tra­tor / Ba­che­lor of Arts in Busi­ness In­for­ma­tics. Ma­this will com­bi­ne tech­ni­cal ex­per­ti­se with busi­ness know­ledge and sup­port our team in the rea­li­sa­ti­on of soft­ware pro­jects in the future.

Yu­li­ia Zhe­li­a­ko­va (2nd from left) and Sara Rah­ma­ni (4th from left) will also be start­ing a dual stu­dy pro­gram­me and will be stu­dy­ing for a Ba­che­lor of Sci­ence in Com­pu­ter Sci­ence. Both will sup­port us in the fu­ture with their in­no­va­ti­ve ide­as and pro­found tech­ni­cal know­ledge. They have al­re­a­dy been able to de­mons­tra­te their mo­ti­va­ti­on and en­thu­si­asm for IT in an in­tern­ship at DLS over se­ve­ral months.

Yan­nick Mun­ke (5th from left) will sup­port the Pro­fes­sio­nal Ser­vice team as a new Pro­ject Ma­na­ger. With his ex­per­ti­se in pro­ject ma­nage­ment, Yan­nick will en­su­re that pro­jects are rea­li­sed ef­fi­ci­ent­ly and in a tar­get-ori­en­ted manner.

We are very plea­sed to wel­co­me Da­nell, Ma­this, Yu­li­ia, Sara and Yan­nick, and are loo­king for­ward to a good, long-term and suc­cessful working relationship.

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