MEDICE and Rottendorf as pilot customers — software for supplier qualification

MEDICE and Rottendorf as pilot customers — software for supplier qualification

In a pio­nee­ring co­ope­ra­ti­on, we were able to gain our long-stan­ding cus­to­mers MEDICE me­di­cinal pro­duct Püt­ter GmbH & Co. KG and Rot­ten­dorf Phar­ma GmbH as pi­lot cus­to­mers for the pro­ject to de­ve­lop a new soft­ware so­lu­ti­on for sup­pli­er qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on. The pi­lot pro­ject was laun­ched and the pi­lot cus­to­mers MEDICE and Rot­ten­dorf were proac­tively in­cor­po­ra­ted in Au­gust 2023. The col­la­bo­ra­ti­on is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a vi­vid in­ter­ac­tion in which cus­to­mers ac­tively feed in their re­qui­re­ments and de­si­red functions.

“The soft­ware will not only di­gi­ti­se sup­pli­er qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on pro­cess and pro­vi­de the sta­tus of the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on cen­tral­ly, but also will en­su­re that the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on is con­duc­ted in com­pli­ance with the GMP gui­de­lines, ISO stan­dards and other re­gu­la­ti­ons,” says G. Lang­behn, Pro­duct Ow­ner at Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH.

The brand new mo­du­le is be­ing de­ve­lo­ped as a web ap­pli­ca­ti­on as part of the new en­g­amp® pro­duct line and pro­mi­ses an ef­fi­ci­ent and com­pa­ti­ble so­lu­ti­on for the com­plex re­qui­re­ments of sup­pli­er qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on. The in­iti­al of­fi­ci­al ver­si­on of the soft­ware is sche­du­led for 2024.

The part­ner­ship es­tab­lished bet­ween Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces GmbH and its pi­lot cus­to­mers is not only a sign of mu­tu­al trust and co­ope­ra­ti­on, but also a mi­le­stone in the fu­ture of di­gi­tal do­cu­ment and qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment solutions.

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Welcome - Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager at Digital Life Sciences

Welcome — Florian Rehrmann starts as Account Manager

We are plea­sed to in­tro­du­ce our new col­le­ague Flo­ri­an Rehr­mann. Flo­ri­an joi­n­ed our team as Ac­count Ma­na­ger on Sep­tem­ber 2, 2024. With his ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in

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