Digital Life Sciences is a „Top employer medium-sized businesses 2020″

Person in front of a wall with a blue sweater on which stands Top employer middle class

Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces has made it into the list of “Top em­ploy­er me­di­um-si­zed busi­nesses 2020“ of the FOCUS-BUSINESS magazine!

Every year sin­ce 2018, the FOCUS ma­ga­zi­ne in co­ope­ra­ti­on with the ra­ting por­tal kun­unu com­pi­les a list with top em­ploy­ers un­der the me­di­um si­zed busi­nesses. For the year 2020, Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces is also lis­ted the­re! We owe this award to our abo­ve avera­ge ra­ting on kun­unu. Our col­le­agues ra­ted our busi­ness with a cur­rent avera­ge of 4.50 out 5.00 stars (as of: Au­gust 2019).

Over­all, 900,000 kun­unu com­pa­ny pro­files were che­cked to de­ter­mi­ne the top em­ploy­er. To be award­ed as “Top em­ploy­er me­di­um si­zed busi­nesses”, the fol­lo­wing cri­te­ria had to be met:

  • Com­pa­ny size 11–500 employees
  • Com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses in Germany
  • Avera­ge ra­ting of at least 3.5 stars
  • Re­com­men­da­ti­on rate of at least 70%
  • A to­tal of 10 em­ploy­er ra­tings, 5 of which sin­ce 01.01.2018

On No­vem­ber 26, we will find out how Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces com­pa­res to other em­ploy­ers in the IT busi­ness when the FOCUS-BUSINESS edi­ti­on on “Em­ploy­ers in me­di­um-si­zed busi­nesses” is pu­blished. This will show the com­ple­te ana­ly­sis of the data for the first time.

We are gra­teful to our em­ployees for the trust they place in us and are loo­king for­ward to a shared fu­ture with con­tin­ued suc­cess as a team.

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