Digital Life Sciences in new splendor

Illustration of the homepage of the website relaunch of Digital Life Sciences GmbH

We are plea­sed to an­noun­ce our new web­site re­launch in this news article.

„The In­ter­net is chan­ging very fast. Con­stant­ly new de­sign stan­dards and tech­no­lo­gies are emer­ging. In or­der to be able to re­main com­pe­ti­ti­ve in this re­spect, it is im­portant to al­ways stay on the cut­ting edge when it co­mes to di­gi­ta­liza­ti­on”, says Se­bas­ti­an Sel­ting, mar­ke­ting ma­na­ger of Di­gi­tal Life Sciences.

Ac­cor­din­gly, we star­ted ear­ly to crea­te a cor­po­ra­te de­sign and gave all ma­te­ri­als, such as va­rious pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, a new coat of paint. Ho­we­ver, in or­der to be able to do ju­s­ti­ce to this ho­li­sti­cal­ly, the ad­apt­a­ti­on of the web­site could not be disregarded.

So the­re were other re­asons bes­i­des the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on of the cor­po­ra­te de­sign that were very im­portant to us wi­thin the re­launch. The­se in­clude among others:

  1. Usa­bi­li­ty: As one of the core fac­tors, user-fri­end­li­ne­ss is pa­ra­mount for the suc­cess of a web­site. The­r­e­fo­re, we want to give vi­si­tors the op­por­tu­ni­ty to quick­ly reach their de­si­red de­sti­na­ti­on and find in­for­ma­ti­on more quick­ly with a mo­dern de­sign and a clean web­site structure.
  2. Con­tent: An­o­ther core fac­tor is the con­tent of a web­site. Va­rious ad­di­ti­ons to the home­page, such as the in­clu­si­on of an FAQ sec­tion wi­thin the in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons or new suc­cess sto­ries, of­fer vi­si­tors yet an­o­ther ad­ded value.
  3. Re­spon­si­ve De­sign: The glo­bal spread of smart­phones and ta­blets can­not be igno­red. So this fac­tor was also de­cisi­ve for us. In this re­spect, it was also im­portant to us that the web­site is dis­play­ed in the best pos­si­ble way, de­pen­ding on the re­qui­re­ments of the end de­vice used.

As you can see, you can ex­pect a web­site in a com­ple­te­ly new style, of­fe­ring vi­si­tors many in­ter­ac­ti­ve op­ti­ons. Only the ser­vice sec­tion will con­ti­nue to ap­pear in the old de­sign for the time be­ing. In the fu­ture, ho­we­ver, we will fur­ther ex­pand the ser­vice sec­tion in or­der to pro­vi­de you with even more in­for­ma­ti­on and ser­vices directly.

Feel free to brow­se th­rough the in­di­vi­du­al pa­ges and get an im­pres­si­on for yours­elf. Of cour­se, you are also wel­co­me to lea­ve us your comm­ents, whe­ther po­si­ti­ve or ne­ga­ti­ve — we wel­co­me all feedback!

Should you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se do not he­si­ta­te to cont­act us. Un­til then we hope you en­joy ex­plo­ring the new website.

We would be very pleased to receive your feedback!

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