Digital Life Sciences is top employer medium-sized businesses 2021

Top employer medium-sized businesses 2021

For the se­cond time in a row, FO­CUS-Busi­ness, tog­e­ther with the em­ploy­er ra­ting plat­form, has award­ed Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces as “Top em­ploy­er me­di­um-si­zed busi­nesses”.

To de­ter­mi­ne the Top Em­ploy­ers for Me­di­um-Si­zed Busi­nesses 2021, data from more than 950,000 com­pa­nies from 39 in­dus­tries with over 4 mil­li­on eva­lua­tions were ana­ly­zed. To be in­cluded, a com­pa­ny must have bet­ween 11 and 500 em­ployees and its re­gis­tered of­fice must be in Ger­ma­ny. Ho­we­ver, for it to re­cei­ve an award, it must also have at least 10 re­views (five of them sin­ce 01/2019), an avera­ge ra­ting of at least 3.5 stars, and a re­com­men­da­ti­on rate of over 70% on With a cur­rent ra­ting of 4.6 stars and a re­com­men­da­ti­on rate of 100% (as of June 2021), Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces far ex­ceeds the requirements.

“We are ho­no­red and would like to thank all our em­ployees, wi­t­hout who­se per­for­mance we would not have re­cei­ved the award,” says Thi­lo Gu­kel­ber­ger, Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces. “This is a re­al­ly gre­at si­gnal that we’ve been do­ing a good job for ye­ars. We will, of cour­se, do our ut­most to main­tain this po­si­ti­ve de­ve­lo­p­ment in the future.”

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Digital Life Sciences ist Wachstumschampion 2025

Digital Life Sciences is Growth Champion 2025

We are de­ligh­ted to have been re­co­g­nis­ed as Growth Cham­pi­on 2025 and to once again be among the TOP 500 fas­­test-gro­­wing com­pa­nies in Ger­ma­ny. This

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