Award from the CCI North Westphalia – Finn Bertels


Finn Ber­tels has com­ple­ted his trai­ning as an IT spe­cia­list for sys­tem in­te­gra­ti­on at Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces with the gra­de “Ex­cel­lent”. Tog­e­ther with 84 other gra­dua­tes from the dis­trict of Bor­ken, he was ho­no­u­red by the Cham­ber of Com­mer­ce and In­dus­try of North West­pha­lia at an event at the cul­tu­re cent­re Kul­tur­qua­drat Ahaus in front of over 300 guests. 

CCI Vice Pre­si­dent Cars­ten Süh­ling con­gra­tu­la­ted the gra­dua­tes and high­ligh­ted the im­portance of this event in de­mons­t­ra­ting the many op­por­tu­ni­ties that a qua­li­fied edu­ca­ti­on opens up for young peo­p­le. Chief Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve Of­fi­cer Dr Kai Zwi­cker prai­sed the gra­dua­tes as qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists who have pas­sed their first ma­jor chall­enge with fly­ing colours. 

At Di­gi­tal Life Sci­en­ces, we place gre­at em­pha­sis on pro­mo­ting young ta­lent in va­rious IT pro­fes­si­ons. We are con­vin­ced that pro­per edu­ca­ti­on is the key to new care­er pro­s­pects and a pro­mi­sing fu­ture. Our aim is to enable our em­ployees to have a long-term and suc­cessful care­er wi­thin our com­pa­ny. The­r­e­fo­re, we are par­ti­cu­lar­ly plea­sed with Finn’s re­mar­kab­le achievement. 

We are proud to have Finn on our team and are loo­king for­ward to a suc­cessful fu­ture together!

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